Tuesday, May 30, 2017

My Latest in The Jerusalem Post: Shavuot, Hag Shiluv-A Festival of Inclusion

Let me know what you think!

"Actions matter; it is through the practice of an action that one inevitably begins to understand the action. Judaism then, seen through this lens, was from its very origins a religion of doing. The Israelites no doubt talked and talked amongst themselves (imagine how many opinions that many Jews would have), but what they brought to the table was their pledge to God that they would act according to His laws first and foremost."

"Na’aseh v’nishma can also be seen as the ultimate Jewish model for inclusion."

Monday, May 29, 2017

Jewish Holiday Time: Shavuot

Tuesday evening is the start of the Jewish holiday of Shavuot. In Israel it is celebrated for one day and in the Diaspora for two days.

Shavuot is a multifaceted holiday. Primarily, it marks the giving of the Torah to the Jewish people by G-d. It is when we received the Ten Commandments. It is also when we read the Book of Ruth, and it is the anniversary of the death of King David. This holiday has a lot of different names because there are so many important facets of the holiday. If you know the story of Ruth, you'll know she was a Moabite, from a very high level family who gave everything up to marry Boaz, and join the Jewish people. It's quite an amazing love story and explicitly shows how Jews are supposed to treat converts, with love and respect and affection. For Ruth's sincerity and love of the Jewish people she was "rewarded" with being the woman from whom King David is descended. Quite a magnificent honour and so well deserved. I find the whole story so moving.

I remember a few years ago being in Israel and needing some water for one of my kids. We were in the Old City at the time and my husband said, oh-don't worry, we can just stop at King David's tomb, they have a fountain there.


Can you imagine?

But I digress:

The other amazing part of the holiday is that it is when the Jewish people said "na'aseh v'nishma." That means "we will do, and then we will understand". It's a very interesting concept in Judaism for which there is much, much commentary.

Traditionally, Jews stay up learning Torah the entire night of Shavuot and the holiday is also marked by eating dairy foods (and there are a number of reasons for this as well).

I've made a truly spectacular cheesecake in honour of Shavuot and I have a piece coming out in The Jerusalem Post tomorrow. I hope to have a link to post tomorrow, I'm really proud of the piece.

In the meantime if you would like to read more about Shavuot here are some links:

From Aish Hatorah (lots of great stuff)

From Chabad, gotta love Chabad!

Daniel Greenfield: The War For Jerusalem

This is absolutely brilliant. 

It's lyrical and truthful. Mr. Greenfield's prose simply soars.

I have read this essay at least three times already, as if it was poetry.

Too good to pull out a favourite part. I love the whole thing.

Do yourself a favour and read this magnificent love letter to Jerusalem and the Jewish people.


Crushing on the Crushers: Why Do Intellectuals Fall in Love With Murderers and Thugs?

Good question!

Partly this:

"...the penetrating clear-sightedness and benevolence toward humanity that intellectuals often claim for themselves by comparison with the benightedness of the rest of the population is at least sometimes—and maybe often or always—self-serving and mythical."

"The special ability to see beyond appearances that intellectuals like to congratulate themselves for possessing is, indeed, their raison d’être: for if they cannot perceive what others cannot perceive, what is their role? Whereas the simple-minded see in a massacre of priests only a massacre of priests, for example, intellectuals discern in it the operation of the dialectic of history, the imagined future denouement of which is more real to them than the actual deaths themselves, merely eggshells on the way to the omelette."

Plus, there is the idea that this kind of fantasy is a type of religious belief for the secular, godless, leftist masses. That's definitely something I have considered over the years. Leftism is a religion/cult. 

Ahh, The Joys and Exquisite Beauty of "Danish" Culture

Father "honour rapes" daughter's rapist. 

Vikings, beer and "honour rapes".

What exactly is "Danish" about "honour rape"?

The UK Is Screwed

Police in Manchester banned from arresting terrorist suspects because of Ramadan. 

"This Denial Will Kill Us"

Yes, that's part of the strategy-not an accident.

By design!

Seems the Mayor of Manchester is also a full qualified Imam, just like John Kerry. Amazing that he has time to run the city (into the ground) and also be a scholar of Islam.

YUGE: "Nothing Scares Me"

Trump Furious With Abbas

"You lied to me." 

Dawa, Mr. President, have your people look it up.

Eurabia Is Doomed

First read this. 

The more Europe changes, the more it stays the same.

Friday, May 26, 2017

G7 Fashion Update

In summary, Melania is a hottie with great taste. 

I mean for real and not for joking, that purple dress in Saudi Arabia??? Just SHUT UP.

And how about the black outfit with the gold belt? Gazonga. Also, the brown shirt-style casual dress, and the leather suit. Seriously, she's really rocking it.

Marcon's grandmother looks really stiff and awkward.

Kathy Shaidle made me promise that if she dresses like that when she's geriatric, to please kill her. I had to oblige. What are friends for? I know she would do the same for me if I ever start wearing those horrible Menopause Outfits that women of a certain age are prone to wear. I shan't go into details here.

Lady! Mrs. Marconrobinson! Yoo hoo!

You're almost a hundred years old, no knees, please. Are you sure you're French?!?!?!

This is oh la lawful...

The award for most dour goes to Mrs. Caliphate, if I were here I would have hidden in the back row. Did the photographer put her beside Melania on purpose for added comparison cruelty?

But getting back to Mrs. Caliphate, oh but what a floozy! I can see not only her face, that slut, but also her hands. HARAM HARAM HARAM!!!

Queen Mathilde looks absolutely lovely. Totally age appropriate and tasteful.

That is all

Long But Amazing, Gad Saad Speaks to Yasmine Mohammed

This is a great interview.

Watch the whole thing when you have a chance.

The Murder of Sarah Halimi and the Media Silence

Another Halimi, more denial. 

French Jews need to pack up, or they too, will leave in coffins.

Denial Still Flows Over Londanistan

Indeed it does. 

"Britain is in denial. Having allowed the country to turn into a global hub of the Islamic jihad without apparently giving it a second thought, the British establishment is still failing even now — despite the wake-up calls of both 9/11 and the London bomb attacks of 2005 — to acknowledge what it is actually facing and take the appropriate action. Instead, it is deep into a policy of appeasement of the phenomenon that threatens it, throwing sops to both radical Islamism and the Muslim community in a panic-stricken attempt to curry favour and buy off the chances of any further attacks."

"This disastrous policy ignores the first law of terrorism which is that it preys on weakness. The only way to defeat it is through strength — the strength of a response based on absolute consistency and moral integrity, which arises in turn from the strength of belief in the values that are being defended. By choosing instead the path of least resistance, Britain is advertising its fundamental weakness and is thus not only greatly enhancing the danger to itself but is also enfeebling the alliance in the defence of the west."

"Britain has a long and inglorious history of appeasing terrorism, thus bringing true the aphorism in which its ruling class so cynically believes that ‘terrorism works’. Now, however, this dubious national trait has been cemented even more firmly into the national psyche by the governing doctrine of multiculturalism, which has made it all but impossible even to acknowledge that this is a problem rooted within the religion of a particular minority community."

Enabling Murder

This is an excellent essay. 

Read the whole thing.

An excerpt:

"Damn these jihadist murderers of children. And damn the politicians who have, in many cases, helped make these murders possible but who are quick, this time and every time, to serve up empty declarations of “solidarity”even as the bodies of innocents are still being counted."

"Meaningless words, all of them. But Angela Merkel takes the cake: “People in the UK can rest assured that Germany stands shoulder to shoulder with them.” Well, isn’t that . . . reassuring. In what way do such words help anybody to “rest assured” of anything? In any case, how dare she? This, after all, is the woman who opened the floodgates—the woman who, out of some twisted sense of German historical guilt, put European children in danger by inviting into the continent masses of unvetted people from the very part of the world where this monstrous evil has its roots."

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

The Death of Europe in One Convenient Paragraph

The Manchester bomber was a member of a radical mosque that was originally the “Albert Park Methodist Chapel”. The church opened its doors in 1883 before closing in 1962 and later being converted into a mosque.

Perhaps though, Europe deserves to die. 

Yes. It appears so. 

Mark Steyn: Somewhere Over the Rainbow

Do you need a change of pace?

They say that music soothes the savage beast, so no wonder the Ayatollah Khomeni once declared a fatwa on music, saying that it was haram! 

Music is quite glorious for all living things and touches deep, limbic places in the human brain and sentimental memory places in the human soul.

So I want to share this absolutely magnificent essay from Mark Steyn about the song Somewhere Over the Rainbow. 

The essay itself was prompted by an e-mail written to Mark, referencing a Times of Israel piece written by my friend Simcha Jacobovici.

Apparently, Mark Steyn and Simcha have a mutual friend! The plot thickens!

But I digress. 

The point of my own post is simply to share this lovely essay with you, and actually also to introduce you to an arrangement of the song that I'm sure you've never heard unless you saw it here on my blog previously, but that you will never forget. It's by Kay Wilson, a fine jazz musician, licensed tour guide in Israel and a British-Israeli survivor of a barbaric Palestinian terror attack that killed her friend Kristine Luken. 

I find Kay's arrangement haunting, but life-affirming and sad at the same time. Kay and I are Facebook friends and I hope we can meet someday in person.

Anyway, I feel extremely blessed to know such fine humans as Kay and Simcha and Mark Steyn.

I'm primarily a badass history and politics geek on the internet, but I'm actually an artsy, creative type with a soft spot for music and dance. Gives me Teh Feeeeelzzzz.

Here's to beautiful music and good friends and to never forgetting, never forgiving those who murder our loved ones. Not ever. Ever.

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Manchester Ignited

When I first heard about the latest terrorist atrocity in Manchester, I said that it reminded me of the Dolphinarium bombing in Israel.

Does anyone remember the Israeli teenagers who were slaughtered at the Dolphinarium. I sure do, and I sure remember one writing in Hebrew, 'defiantly', lo nafsik lirkod, we will not stop dancing.

At the time I remember being slightly haunted and slightly bothered by that sentiment, though I couldn't really articulate why. But the more I think about it, the more I realize that with this enemy, there is actually no such thing as defiance.

In the Second World War individuals did undertake acts of defiance on a personal level, and at very great risk. They defied their Nazi tormentors, they defied orders, they defied the command to die, they had babies, they married and they became part of the resistance among other acts of defiance large and small.

But the meaning of defiance is now convoluted and has absolutely no meaning with respect to Islamic terrorism. It is not "defiant" to just go about merely living our lives. It is not an act of defiance to merely go on living (a semblance of living of course because you are living as the living dead) when they slaughter our friends and families. No "defiant" threat or promise means anything to these barbarians. The mentality is so convoluted, so nihilistic and so pro-death that our rather modest and actually pathetic Western ideas of defiance now are laughable to them, as they should be laughable to us.

Mark Steyn has some very sober and salient commentary here about the (most recent) Manchester attack. 

He mentions the concept of defiance, and I think we're on the same page. There's another element other than the No Speak Islam issue.

How about the fact that it is our murderers who are currently always the "real" victims, how about the never-ending and pathetic and sinister attempt to turn themselves into the "real" Jews and the Jews into the "real" Nazis. We have been conditioned to accept these lies wholesale, and that is part of the problem and is like a match that lights our collective funeral pyres.

Jews are the new Jews.

Sorry not sorry. If anything, it's the Islamic terrorists of today who are the intellectual, tactical and philosophical heirs of the Nazis.

I'm angry. I'm angry at all the gutless, despicable politicians who are so afraid to say Islamic terror. I'm really mad that the political left is married to Western destruction. I'm so sick of it all.

Our "leaders" need to grow a spine. We need to force them to do the right thing or get them to get the hell out of elected office. We need to use real words about real problems. We need to reject the lies. We need to tell the truth, to ourselves, to our children and we need to force others to do the same.

We need to make this evil crap impossible to implement. Look at the timing. We need to push this back:

We need to make this impossible. We need to force our employees in government to do the right thing and stop trying to murder the truth tellers instead of the actual barbarian murderers.

We need to stop Tweeting pictures like this. This picture makes me vomit. These kool-aid drinking officers have to get some self-respect. Stop the flowers and and the teddy bears and start fighting evil, dammit.

This is not a "touching" picture, it's a joke. Our enemies laugh in our faces. This is weakness, it's pathetic.

We need more of this. This is from Kay Wilson, a British-Israeli terror survivor who had a machete plunged into her body more than 20 times by a savage Palestinian, who also murdered her non-Jewish friend.

We need more of this, more pushback of the obscene attitudes of law enforcement officials who have abdicated their entire and only raison d'être in favour of drinking the multicultural, dhimmi kool-aid and pleasing their leftist political masters and the encroaching jihad.

Then we have disgusting cretins such as Doug Saunders not only peddling obfuscations about the "European" origins of these terrorists, but also digging out a former security official who has the nerve to compare the current British security forces to the communist secret police.

Sinister and pathetic.

I'll tell you some things that I don't care about. I don't care a whit about the hypothetical backlash against Muslims that never materializes. In fact, if you care about that, I don't care about you-period.

I don't care about whether it was a lone wolf or a pack of wolves. I don't care if he or she had mental health issues, liked gardening or Tim Hortons. I don't care if he or she is a revert. I don't care what skin colour they have. I don't care if they are married or not. I don't care about world class monuments going dark (shame on them all for their useless virtue signalling of surrender).

I am tired of hearing that these savages are "known to police". The security forces think somehow that makes it all better when in fact, it makes it much, much worse and makes our murderers laugh  at us all the more robustly.

When these events happen, it is not acceptable to feel bad, preen and then go back to sleep. We require constant vigilance and muscle right now-political and intellectual. Our whole civilization is going wobbly.

Last night I watched my children fall asleep and smelled their fresh pyjamas in their darkened rooms and watched until they were breathing rhythmically. I couldn't tear my eyes away or move. Paralyzed with emotion, guarding over them, praying, thinking. Why do we fight? Why must we? That's why.

My friends: 

Be extravagant in expressing your love, militant in your protection, unapologetic of your strength and fearless in your approach to guarding our superior way of life before it's too late.

Monday, May 22, 2017

Rest in Peace Shulamit Cohen-Kishik

A woman of valour. 

May her memory be a blessing, and may her courage be an example.

Trump In Saudi Arabia

I heard that Trump gave a corker of a speech in the Magic Kingdom so I looked up the whole transcript.

There's lots of really nice kick-ass ISH bits, but the only small problem is that actually and HELLO SAUDI ARABIA IS THE PROBLEM (as well as Iran).

So, I'm not riding the Trump Train on this one.

The good parts are that Melania and Ivanka did not wear veils and I do love the idea of the Saudis having to respect Jews on Saudi soil-that part is awesome. Like seriously Jewlicious.

I don't like that one of the frum members of Trump's entourage reportedly had to eat crackers and fruit for Shabbat. That's just classless. They could have brought some proper food for the guy on the plane and planned for that guy (and for Jared and Ivanka et al). I mean, it's not like there's a kosher restaurant in Riyadh or a local Chabad AMIRITE????

But I digress. So, a few good bits, definitely less submission than Obama but Saudi Arabia is a big problem AHEM 9/11 AHEM COUGH COUGH (and yes, I know the Saudis are also scared sh$tless about the nutty Iranians and that has made them cold, calculated Machiavellian "friends" with Israel.

Still, respect and suspect.

The Israel part of the trip will be interesting as well.

Some of Us Never Thought it Was a "Joke"

Encroachments on liberty and freedom of thought and expression are never a "joke". 

The Great Kurt Schlichter Is Amazing Once Again!

Just one fabulous column after another I can barely keep up!

Schlichter explains very slowly what is going on in America.

It's a slow coup. 

BUT: And here's the big "BUT". Trump is not helping things at all with the sloppy communications, not finding out where the leaks are coming from, and his Twitter feed is really not helping. He needs to stop making it worse. Just stop. Delegate authority, and stop the slop.

"This is a concentrated, coordinated effort by elite insiders to take down not this president – Trump’s not the point here – but to take down us, the normal American they seek to rule. Someone came to Washington who wasn’t part of the club, and that’s intolerable. So they are desperate to expel him, and by extension, us."

"Every day will be a crisis, every action he takes will be the worst thing that has ever happened, and every step towards keeping his promises a crime."

David P. Goldman agrees. 

Chemistry! One of My Absolute Favourite Topics In the World

I think I have to write a whole book about chemistry.

Not laboratory chemistry but people chemistry.

I find it absolutely riveting. I love pondering chemistry between friends, between like minds-you know when there is that click, and you feel it in your brain or your heart? What is it about someone that makes that click happen, and why is it exclusive to those two people at that time? Isn't it fascinating how someone can make sparks fly in one person and be a complete turn-off to someone else?

I could spend hours discussing this topic. I just love it.

So there are different kinds of chemistry of course, there's the male-female kind but that's just one kind, there is also the friendship  kind, where you know in a nanosecond that you are going to be friends with someone forever-no matter where you are in the world and no matter what you go through in your life.

Anyway, here's a piece here that I spotted on Instapundit, and it's more about male-female chemistry. 

I do think the sense of smell is vastly underestimated when it comes to relations, impressions and particularly with respect to memory.

Saturday, May 20, 2017

Daniel Greenfield: Nakbacide

This essay is outstanding. 

Every single thought is clear, articulate and contains a combination of Jewish intellectuality and rigour that is so rare nowadays.

You have to read the whole thing.

I really hope that this particular piece goes far and broad. I hope that Trump's closest policy makers read it. I hope they are reading Caroline Glick as well.

But this essay pretty much explains the entire conflict with Israel in a nutshell. Not a real estate issue, not a political issues: a religious war with no "solution".

It's so good, G-d bless Daniel Greenfield. Wishing him many long, productive and healthy years of prophetic, poetic writing. I actually laughed out loud at the end, because the ending is just perfect. It's so perfect, but I won't wreck it for you. Read the whole essay top to bottom. Read the whole essay a few times actually. It's like music.

"The ugly truth of the Nakba is that it blunted the nationalistic ambitions of Arab Muslims who, like ISIS, dreamed of replacing the Ottoman Empire with an Islamic State. Losing a war to a European world power wouldn't have hurt as much as losing a war to a despised regional minority. A people whose name is an insult in the mouth of every Muslim."

"Yahood. Lower than a dog. Yahood. Transformed into apes and pigs in the Koran. Yahood. Second class citizens in every Muslim country. Who somehow beat back seven Muslim armies and took back their lands that had been conquered by the Caliphs."

"But in Muslim culture time never passes. The words, "You Lost a War, Get Over It", have no meaning."

Friday, May 19, 2017

Mark Steyn: The Poisoning of Robert Spencer

In case you missed this post by Mark Steyn, you must read it in its entirety now. 

This is just another example of the torrid love affair between the political left and Islam. Both end ultimately in nihilism and that's one of the reasons they get along so well.

But as a commentator on Katie Hopkins Twitter feed put it recently "feminism (and intersectionality) ends at Islam's doorstep" and certainly that can be said of all of political leftism as well.

All of the left, for all its bluster, ends at Islam's doorstep where it takes off its shoes and defers to its masters.

That is why there is no leftist outcry over grooming gangs in the UK, about child rape by migrants in Europe, no outcry by western feminists about Female Genital Mutilation.

These groups also meet at Jew Hate Junction and societies that take the antisemitic road and end up at that junction never fare well. They actually don't survive  or thrive and they really don't deserve to.

He notes:

"...after two generations of social engineering, of the substitution of attitudes for education, it would require too much effort to equip yourself to argue against the difficult questions a man such as Robert Spencer raises. It's literally easier to kill him."

"Not yet in the blood-lusting exultant scimitar-raising style of the decapitators of French priests. But just through whatever you've got in your stash that might ensure he'll be flying out of Reykjavik by the handles. So for the moment there is still a continuum. But it's narrowing, and will narrow still."

I think Mark Steyn is being too kind. I think the blood lust is build right into the DNA of the political left as well. History demonstrates that very, very clearly.  

The jihadists may be the ones doing the actual slicing, but the political left does everything else to support this thuggery and nihilism. They fund it, organize it, vote it and cheer it on in every which way. 

These BFFs hate the west, they loathe Western civilization and no, they will not ever rest or ever go away. 

And it's not just the spiritual vacuum they are filling in this precious world of ours, it's our physical space as well. 

Stop feeling helpless and get mad. 

Hug all your loved ones and lead the charge. 

Shabbat Shalom. 

The Days Are Long and Busy

A few readers have checked in lately just to say hello and see if everything is OK with me, so thank you.

Everything is OK it's just hard to "feed" the blog while I work full time at a day job, do freelance where and where I can and be a mom and wife, and especially with the caregiving responsibilities for my special needs son which are quite intensive. So it's work Monday to Friday, the day starts at 5:45 a.m to get everything ready and everyone out the door by 7:30 and then a long commute each way, dinner, clean up, homework, showers and by the time I blink and it's quiet it's already about 10:00 p.m.

Weekends are Shabbat, no no writing or computer, and then Sundays mostly with my special needs kiddo which doesn't allow for that much uninterrupted writing time.

I'm not complaining, busy people always have time, but there are TONS of things I'd like to write about but I just can't squeeze much more into my days.

Perhaps that will change someday!

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Two Things That Make Me Sick

Hebrew University because THIS. 

And Sweden because THIS:

That's all I will write just now because I'm tired.

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

The Pathetic Evolution of the State of New Hampshire

From "Live Free or Die" to "Take Off That Sombrero, White Boy" in one generation. 

This Is Very Sweet

This is a lovely gesture of respect. 

Well played, Riverside Police Department, well played. 

The Attempted Murder of Robert Spencer in Iceland

Prayers to Robert Spencer. 

This is the Unholy Aliance at work: left + jihad. 

Mr. Spencer needs Israeli security guards and a new crowd control policy.

These murderous thugs will not rest.

Monday, May 15, 2017

Not One Inch

So, I've been very busy as usual yada yada yada but I did want to make sure that this was my "top" story for the evening because it's a doozy.

It's a "Canadian" story but it's also the story of the gutlessness and decline of Western civilization so it's worth your time.

Basically, a Canadian writer had the nerve to suggest, in a publication for writers and by writers, that "cultural appropriation" is a load of hooey and that writers should be able to write whatever they want. That is what fiction is: DUH!!!!!!

Anyway, a bunch of (clearly overrated) Canadian writers that I never, ever heard of and thank G-d, have never socialized with and couldn't care less about got VERY OFFENDED by the concept of freedom of speech and freedom of fiction. So scalps were offered promptly to the High Priests of Political Correctness and the uppity white male Jew writer was offed. From his position at the publication of course but not before some other, slightly better known Canadian "talent" started saying that actually, we should have a cultural appropriation prize! Was it serious? Who knows. And who cares?

Others basically said PEOPLE! Calm the EFF down. 

Personally, I thought that the idea of a cultural appropriation prize was hilarious and frankly-one of the more gutsy and ballsy things that has ever happened on the Canadian literary landscape in my lifetime. Hint: "cultural appropriation" is you know, like fiction. Duh. It's making up stuff. HELLO!!!

But the Officials in Charge of Humour or Lack Thereof in Canada got OUTRAGED!!! Then even more writers that nobody ever heard about started demanding MORE HEADS because IT'S NOT FUNNY because DIVERSITY OR SOMETHING!!!!!!!!

So anyone who ponied up money for the Cultural Appropriation Prize and anyone who Tweeted about it was offed or blacklisted or both or banished because YOU WILL SHUT UP YOU EL STUPIDOS AND EL NON-SENSITIVOS!!!!!

Apologies were proffered but the gods demanded scalps! More scalps!

So, now two white male Jewish writer-editor types are on the Canadian Liberal Party NGO Phoney Baloney Jobs At CBC Cocktail Party Shit List.


So here are some of my thoughts.

Jon Kay showed some backbone and at least admits that he was feeling quite self-censored for quite some time. But I guess that political move from right (ish) to left might not have been worth it after all.

Obviously, even writing a gagtacular blowjobby ghostwrite for PM Hairdo doesn't guarantee you cocktail party entrance for life if you offend the "wrong" people.

("Why isn't Justin taking my calls?!?!?" Why did he stop following me on Insta???!?!")

Feels like high school all over again (GAH).

The truth is that this sh&t is happening all over the world. 

You do have to have a reasonable pair of stones to push back on this stuff and prepared to take your lumps for standing your ground including being bounced out of a job.

The reasons these totalitarian jerkoffs have so much power and can ruin peoples lives and livelihoods is because WE NORMAL PEOPLE are always paying protection money.


Tell them their ideas suck. Because they do.

And you know the best part: they know they suck as well. They are just pretending that they are sooooooo wise and soooooo special and sooooo anointed. All of their blathering is just masturbatory, collegial virtue signalling because all of them live exceptionally conservative lives no matter what public lip service they pay to radicalism. 

What do you think the worst is that will happen?

FACT CHECK MAH PEEPS: (the 'fact check' of course is another grotesque leftist invention, another lefty whopper just barely disguised as truth)

They will never go away, there is never 'live and let live' but at least you will be able to live with yourself.  And you may save someone else from this misery.

It is pathetic, and unbecoming of a citizen of any alleged democracy that writers have to articulate as basic idea as "unpopular ideas shouldn't be silenced, they should be debated". 


But as Mark Steyn has said many times, they don't want to debate. They don't even want to win the debate, they just want to shut it down.

They want you to supersize that steaming hot cuppa SHUTUP.

What "should" writers be "allowed" to write about?

As per Mark Steyn: EVERYTHING.

For goodnessssssake people, grow a pair.

You know, Mark Steyn has been exceptionally gracious to Jon Kay under the circumstances. 

Anyway, you should never apologize for having a brain and having thoughts and opinions.

You should never apologize for thinking as an individual, for making jokes and you should never roll over and shut up and never give an inch because it will never end well for you.

You know who is laughing their head off right now as well?


All those who subscribe to an anti-Western philosophy are killing themselves laughing right now. All of the enemies of Western civilization don't have to lift a finger, pull a trigger or waste a single bullet. Why?

Because we are going to politically correct ourselves right out of existence. 

We will go out not with a bang, not even a whimper but with a finger wag, and incessant, droning mini-fascist voices demanding that we shut up, shut up, shut up. 

So just don't.

You're welcome.

Good night.

I'm In Love With This Essay And I Don't Care If You Think That's Weird

I saw this first thing in the morning on Facebook and I thought I would die of smugness and glee.

I basically love every single character of this, INCLUDING THE PUNCTUATION. 

Kurt Schlichter's advice to liberals! Thank G-d liberals never read conservatives because if they actually did read this and it did compute, we'd be in deep doo doo. 

"You look nuts. I mean wacko, zonked out, “Hey, that goldfish is firing a mind control laser at my brain and making me break dance” nuts."

"But don’t stop. No, pump it up. You’re at “11,” and I say take it to “12.”

"This is great!"

"All this insanity is going to help us normals retain power, from your gyno-hat marches to the fake hate crimes to your insistence that the Russians are responsible for everything from Hillary losing the election to the rarely-discussed but well-known liberal epidemic of ED."

"Here’s a little test. It’s been about six months since Trump treated The Smartest Most Accomplished Woman In The World like a NordicTrack treats Harry Reid, and does anyone know even one person who has said, “You know, I voted for Trump, but now after Neil Gorsuch, General Mattis and H.R. McMaster, I really wish I had checked the box for Felonia von Pantsuit?”

When Jews Are Bad, They Are Despicable

I can't really articulate how sickening it is to me that Jews have betrayed Jews in such a disgusting manner for so many years all the while spouting platitudes about the Shoah.

Completely sickening whether in Israel, North America or anywhere else in the world.

I vomit in their direction. 

As far as I'm concerned, they should turn in their Jew cards. These Jews give us all a bad name.

Disgusting and repulsive.

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Why Working Class Americans Voted With Their Middle Finger

Good one. 

They are saying UP YOURS to this kind of crappola:

"To the rootless global elites, though, tradition is subordinated to transgression. What society considers edgy, elites deem worthy of their praise. It isn’t acceptable merely to accept gay life, for example — it must be celebrated. Recalling moving to San Francisco and observing a fully naked man walking down the street, Williams recalls feeling proud of herself for being tolerant of such norm-shattering. Among the elites, she says, “It’s a point of pride not to be one of those petty bourgeois who’s shocked by sexual transgression.”

Saturday, May 13, 2017

Western Women for Jihad

There are reasons for this and they are so obvious to anyone with half a brain. 

Thursday, May 11, 2017

"I Was Dreaming of You..."

"...so I thought I’d write a little love letter to my favourite pine-up boy. Are you as lonesome for me as I am for you?”

Canada is Being Run By Utter Imbeciles

Yeah, let's warm up to the Jew-hating, West loathing, nutty, terrorist state of Iran.

What could possibly go wrong? 

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Good Stuff!


"The editor of the Writers’ Union of Canada’s magazine has resigned after complaints over an article he wrote in which he said he doesn’t believe in cultural appropriation."

"Hal Niedzviecki, editor of Write — a publication for the union’s members — published an opinion piece in the spring 2017 issue titled “Writer’s Prompt.” In the article, in an issue dedicated to indigenous writing, Niedzviecki wrote: “In my opinion, anyone, anywhere, should be encouraged to imagine other peoples, other cultures, other identities."

I’d go so far as to say there should even be an award for doing so — the Appropriation Prize for best book by an author who writes about people who aren’t even remotely like her or him.”

"He went on to argue that Canadian literature remains “exhaustingly white and middle class” because writers are discouraged from writing about people and places they don’t know."

Love it. 

Tommy Robinson: Enemy of the State

It's long, but you should watch the whole thing.

Appalling and infuriating.

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Daniel Greenfield Is One of the Best Writers in the English Speaking World

This is one smart Jew. 

I am profoundly moved by this essay. 

And this is utterly magnificent. 

I feel these words in my bones. 

I read a Torah commentary over the weekend (and I am trying to get an electronic file for you all) that said that when almost 7,000,000 Jews stand together silently at one time and place that is the kind of mystical and magical gathering of Jews in numbers that haven't been experienced since we received the Torah at Sinai. What a miracle. We are truly living in the age of miracles.

I feel so blessed to be a Jew, to be a mother. To be a Jewish mother.

Daniel Greenfield is blessed with tremendous Jewish knowledge and depth and the ability to express deep and thoughtful Jewish wisdom through such incredibly well-chosen words. His words really sing and soar.

Tremendous, simply tremendous.

Mark Steyn: The Midnight Train

Behold: the Prophet Mark Steyn, PBUH with some thoughts on the victory of Angela Merkel M. Macron in France.

The whole essay is excellent (of course) but the reality can be said in a few short words by Steyn. The "leaders" of these countries, the chippy lefty globalists :

"If you're in the first-class cabin to the executive suite at Davos, the elites you meet from elsewhere around the globe are not surly and self-segregating like the resentful "youths" of les banlieues, but urbane and charming chaps just like you - fellows for whom this really is a borderless world, in which one is wafted effortlessly from Harvard or Oxford to Goldman Sachs' Hong Kong office to a hedge fund in Dubai to a cosy sinecure at a UN agency in Vienna or Geneva... Who could possibly object to such an agreeable planet? What are all these ghastly unwashed masses on about? Can't they see all the benefits of the world we've ushered in?"

Then, the Marktastic nugget:

"...these people do not live in the world they have built for their subjects." 


That is all. 


I have a few more things to say. First of all, if you haven't noticed, Mark Steyn is doing lots of great spots on FOX News nowadays and that is a good thing! I hope this partnership will be very successful and let us also hope that the sartorial ripple effect will be felt all over the globe. Lots of nice suits and pocket squares happening, YUGE variety, YUGE!

Sorry-what were we talking about? Did it get hot in here? Just me? You sure? 


Anyway...the other exciting development is The Mark Steyn Club!

Have you joined? 

This is a fantastic and really creative way to keep Mark Steyn afloat financially and creatively while he slogs away at the various lawsuits that have been running FOR YEARS in order to punish him in every capacity: financially, professionally, mentally, emotionally and physically. 

He's doing a lot of this on all of our behalves while providing a infidelicious motherlode of fresh, original content for free and being the de facto world free speech leader. 

I personally think that Mark Steyn should revise his resume AGAIN to add philosopher and/or prophet BUT HEY FOR REAL AND NOT FOR JOKING WHAT DO I KNOW I'm just a lone Jewish mother, clacking away on a laptop somewhere in Canada pining for Mark Steyn the fjords of my youth. 

*waves again*

Bottom line: Join now and join often!

Some of the Bravest Warriors For Free Speech...

Are gays. 

Why? They understand that they have been displaced off the sympathy charts by the political left.

Gays are expendable to the political left.

As my people say: mene tekel upharsin. 

Trump Troll Level: NINJA

So, this made me smile ALL DAY. 

Happy Nakba Day muthahclukahs!

There's no way this was an accident. I think it's Master Level Trolling.

But even if it wasn't by design, who cares????

Monday, May 8, 2017

Steve Bannon: Not an Antisemite, Smart, Brilliant, Etc...DUH!!!!!

This is a good article and kudos to Jeff Kwatinetz (a liberal, and a Jew) for speaking on the record. 

The only problem generally with these kinds of articles is that they are basically a spin on 'so when did you stop beating your wife'.

The truth doesn't matter to a lot of people. It's irrelevant. Facts are irrelevant.

Still-worth the read and good on Mr. Kwatinetz for speaking up.

The last paragraph is really interesting on so many levels.

"I only know his political views because we worked so many hours on this Warner deal, and on building our company, that we would talk about politics. He cares about politics, and I care about politics, and we disagree a lot, so it gave us a lot to talk about. I have Republican friends and Democrat friends, but I saw a study last week that said most people in California who voted for Hillary Clinton don’t have any friends who voted for Trump, and I believe that. Democrats think Republicans are devils and Republicans think Democrats are devils. But Steve is not a devil. He’s a great guy, and if it gets me in trouble for telling the truth, then it gets me in trouble."

I think that most conservatives are capable of having very polite, extremely sociable and amicable relationships (I don't use the word 'friendship' because I think that's a very different level of relationship) with liberals. I can't say I've seen the reverse very much at all. I also don't think that conservatives think that liberals are the devil. Generally I would say that liberals think conservatives are primitive, uptight, mean and closed-minded (plus all the trendy 'phobics'). I think conservatives are much more charitable toward liberals and forgiving on an inter-personal level even if we think that political leftism is soul-corrupting and a sinister ideology.

And it's truly refreshing to see a liberal say he's willing to take the heat, or 'get in trouble' , as he puts it, for telling the truth.

That's where we are at right now: you will get in trouble for telling the truth.

Shutting up is more important than the truth.

As for me and my house: nuts to that. 

How A Facebook Message Brought A Father and Daughter Together

This is an amazing story. 

What's not discussed at all in this story is how profoundly wrong it is to lie to someone in such a manner, and to deprive them of their own flesh and blood. I hope they have many long years to spend together from this day forward.

A Disgusting, Gratuitous and Posthumous Insult to Free Speech Down Under

I used to think Aussies were tough and sensible.

Alas, they are also going the way of the rest of the squishy, sucky, soft-totalitarian, freedom quashing, terrorist-loving sucky leftist West.

I guess nobody Down Under cares.

This makes me absolutely sick. 

There is no question in my mind anyway, that Bill Leak was hunted down like an animal by the ghastly "human rights" mutawa and that the stress of this "life" hasted his death. 

This adds insult to injury, something the political left is so good at anyway.

This is basically a grotesque episode of Orwellian political theatre, and another sinister display of just how taxpayer-supported bureaucrats terrorize innocent citizens. These same tormentors are pissing on Bill Leak's grave and prancing about his final resting place-and it bloody well should be his resting place- like a pack of baying, blood-thirsty hyenas.

There is a lesson in this: the left will never, ever, ever leave you alone.

There is no "live and let live" for them.

Hell, there isn't even a die and let die for them!!!

The disgusting persecutors of this man, who very likely hastened his death, should not enjoy any more opportunities to celebrate their utterly wicked ways, nor be feted for anything remotely resembling a commitment to free speech.

Sickening and pathetic.

Bruce Bawer: "What Happened in France?"

This is an excellent essay by the extremely smart and talented writer Bruce Bawer.

"How, again, to make sense of this?"

"Yes, the mainstream media have played a role, routinely whitewashing Islam, soft-pedaling the Islamic roots of jihadist terror, and staying silent about the dire reality of everyday Islamization. But no one who actually lives in western Europe has any excuse for ignorance about these matters. The truth is all around them. Even in the remotest places, however dishonest the mainstream media, the truth can be found on the Internet."

"But – and this is a fact that some of us are thoroughly incapable of identifying with, and thus almost thoroughly incapable of grasping – some people don't want to know the truth. And if they do know the truth, they want to un-know it."

"Orwell understood. He called it doublethink. You can know something and yet can will yourself not to know it. And thereby give free rein to totalitarianism."

Read the whole thing. 

Sunday, May 7, 2017

I'm With Her Majesty on This

Stiff upper lip and all that. 

There is a way to publicly support causes that are dear to us for personal reasons without getting too personal.

I'm sure the younger royals will get the hang of it, but it's good that Her Majesty is giving out this most excellent advice while she's still around.

With Apologies to Groucho Marx...

I finally may have found the only club that I would join that would have me as a member. 

Saturday, May 6, 2017

They Take Safety and Security Very Seriously

And if you like your health plan, you can keep your health plan.

If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor!

Trust these people with your children.

What could possibly go wrong? 

When An Israeli Commando Finds an M-16 In A Child's Bed

This is an asymmetrical conflict. 

I can't imagine that IDF soldiers do not receive any guidance on this fact. 

"On the one hand, it is very gratifying and satisfying to find the weapon because our mission was to locate the weapons with which the attack was carried out. On the other hand, I find this bizarre. I would not risk my family that way."

Exactly. These two cultures are not the same. 

"It was incomprehensible."

Shouldn't be! 

"I didn’t expect that there, in an innocent children’s bed, there would be an assault rifle used for murder. There’s a dividing line here. Hiding a weapon in your daughter’s bed is not something that is on the border of reason."

"Over time, we learn the methods of the other side and how they conceal weapons. This crossed another line of basic moral standards."

Answer: Why Yes, Yes It Does


Trump Should Not Legitimize Abbas

Trump meeting with Abbas is a YUGE, YUGE mistake. 

There's no reason to legitimize the Holocaust Denier in Chief of the PA.


And what if Abbas threw a Jew-haters party and nobody from the Trump admin came?

Oh, don't worry-other guests showed up. 

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Morning Smile

Why There Will Never Be Peace

Because one side of the conflict doesn't want peace. 

The only way to come to a detente situation (it's not solvable) is as per Winston Churchill's dictum:

Stop murdering. Start negotiating. 

"Next Time"

Ann Coulter on Republican/"Conservative" syndrome. 

I'd characterize the whole sorry lot of them as loosing losers who like to lose EVEN WHEN THEY WIN.

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

I'm Really, Really, Really Bored of Cowardice

Didn't have a chance to post this until now, but do read The Prophet Mark Steyn (PBUH) on the war against Free Speech in the (allegedly) civilized world.


As a free speech absolutist, I've written a lot about the subject over the past decade or thereabouts.

I also don't have much to add except that I am REALLY, REALLY, REALLY bored of the cowardice, the throngs of eunuchs, the "conservative" castratti and the thoroughly emasculated, pussified West when it comes to liberty, freedom and being ever afraid to speak up.

I'm really sick of it. Everyone tsk tsking all over the place. Oh this is terrible, oh that is terrible!

Then: What? Do something about it? Who me?? 



And I'm especially sick of "conservatives" who don't have a gaaaaddamn clue or any interest in what to do, no obligation to their voters, no honour, even when they get into power. And when I say 'they don't know what to do' I mean act and legislate according to conservative and Western principles and drag the entire screaming, stupid, dhimmi, baby, brat faced, snot-nosed, wussy, lefty masses with you by their earlobes. Why should we vote for you jerks?

Basically this:

In a nutshell!

So, I'd write more but I'm truly bored and aggravated and pissed. It's not a pretty picture.

Please people BUCK UP and do something for once.

I'm sooooooooooo bored of these posts and columns.

So tired of the gutless massses.


Misc Links For Your Reading "Pleasure"

Ideally, I'd like to write and blog full time but alas-that is not the situation right now.

It's a busy life with busy days that start very early in the morning (at least the birds and daylight is back now at 5:45 a.m) and it's GO GO GO until I fall into bed and then I'm usually just too wiped out to write.

I do try to save the links that are really interesting/sickening (as always) and will post when I can.

So here's some food for thought:


Fighting back works.


Terrorists don’t ask how you voted.


Amazing story, RIP.

Finally, I can make the career change of my dreams.


No, Sarah Halimi’s murderer is not “insane”.

“The Left’s Hatred of Jews Chills Me to the Bone”

As it well should.



Happy Independence Day, My Beloved Israel

Israel was not created because of the Holocaust.

The Holocaust happened because there was no Israel.

Now there is.