You really can't make this stuff up!
Given the epic failure of the first "Africentric" ("Afro-Centric" is like racist or something, I guess) school in the Greater Toronto Area, the TDSB has decided, upon introspection that the very best thing to do is TO OPEN ANOTHER ONE.
No, I'm not kidding.
"A pilot program for the first high school opened this fall at Winston
Churchill Collegiate, with just six students enrolled. As a result of
the low enrolment, students were integrated into the regular school
program but were given an added Africentric component to their studies.
More than a dozen students are planning to attend in September."
A dozen! Big whoop!
There were "tensions" in order to get it off the ground and also because-wait for it....
The uniform was not Afri-Centric enough.
"Tensions between parents led to arguments over whether the curriculum
was Africentric enough. Some parents even complained that students’
uniforms, African-print vests over white shirts and navy slacks, should
be replaced with a traditional West African dashiki."
Do they wear dashikis in the Caribbean?
Because a lot of black Canadians don't actually come from Africa. Just sayin....
(Never let facts get in the way of a good argument or apparel controversy.)
Thando Hyman-Aman was the first principal who had to resign due to allegations of mistreating a student.
Then, Jacqueline Spence, sister of the TDSB’s disgraced former director, was named principal of the elementary school in September.
What a small world, right? What are the chances of that??
The program then lost a "key advocate" in former education director Chris Spence, who resigned amid allegations of plagiarism.
Funny, that.