Anyone think this is just a wee bit, well-how shall I put this....ummmm...
Friday, March 30, 2012
OMG Laugh of the Day
Was just reading Mark Steyn's interview with Hugh Hewitt and I just about spewed my coffee out.
I know that's not very ladylike, but that's what happened. And I'm still laughing.
Read the whole thing, but here's the Extra Soooooper Dooooper Fabulous paragraph:
"Well, I’m always interested, I’m increasingly interested as I travel around America and the rest of the West, and what’s holding the joint up, because I think there’s what I think statisticians, and in fact, I think doctors, too, call the normality bias, that the way things are, and that people have a tendency to believe that the way things are now is the way they’re always going to be. And I’m basically going to say no, wait a minute, you can be like some French bon vivant of the 1890s strolling around all dapper and debonair, and inside, you’re all rotted away from tertiary syphilis, and you don’t even know it, yet. So I’m going to be doing a bit of the old apocalyptic doom mongering on that."
So, in summary-Mark Steyn has masterfully managed to insult both the French and the Western 'la la la not listening' (a.k.a "normality biased") masses in one sentence.Well worth your time!!!
And remember: COME ONE AND ALL TO STEYNAMITE - April 24 in downtown Toronto.
To all you Americans out there-it is just a 90 minute drive from Buffalo to Toronto, and about 4 hours by car from Detroit. If you live a little further afield, say Chicago (Midway), or Washington D.C (Dulles) there are great deals on Porter Airlines to come into our fair city. Porter Airlines absolutely rocks-you will seriously not want to ever fly another airline again once you fly Porter.
I suggested to Kathy earlier that we should have a Steynamite Tailgate Party. However, on second thought, I am a bit more of a pampered princess.
If people are up for it, we could think of organizing a Toronto Vast Right Wing Conspiracy dinner before the event.
I know that's not very ladylike, but that's what happened. And I'm still laughing.
Read the whole thing, but here's the Extra Soooooper Dooooper Fabulous paragraph:
"Well, I’m always interested, I’m increasingly interested as I travel around America and the rest of the West, and what’s holding the joint up, because I think there’s what I think statisticians, and in fact, I think doctors, too, call the normality bias, that the way things are, and that people have a tendency to believe that the way things are now is the way they’re always going to be. And I’m basically going to say no, wait a minute, you can be like some French bon vivant of the 1890s strolling around all dapper and debonair, and inside, you’re all rotted away from tertiary syphilis, and you don’t even know it, yet. So I’m going to be doing a bit of the old apocalyptic doom mongering on that."
So, in summary-Mark Steyn has masterfully managed to insult both the French and the Western 'la la la not listening' (a.k.a "normality biased") masses in one sentence.Well worth your time!!!
And remember: COME ONE AND ALL TO STEYNAMITE - April 24 in downtown Toronto.
To all you Americans out there-it is just a 90 minute drive from Buffalo to Toronto, and about 4 hours by car from Detroit. If you live a little further afield, say Chicago (Midway), or Washington D.C (Dulles) there are great deals on Porter Airlines to come into our fair city. Porter Airlines absolutely rocks-you will seriously not want to ever fly another airline again once you fly Porter.
I suggested to Kathy earlier that we should have a Steynamite Tailgate Party. However, on second thought, I am a bit more of a pampered princess.
If people are up for it, we could think of organizing a Toronto Vast Right Wing Conspiracy dinner before the event.
Hell Hath No Fury
Like a despicable, influential, communist agitator who happened to have been born a Jew.
Read "Still the Alinksy Playbook".
Read "Still the Alinksy Playbook".
Spring, Freedom, Passover
OK, I am totally verklempt right now.
This is a very moving clip of Gilad Shalit and his family visiting Bibi Netanyahu to say thank you.
Passover is also known as the holiday of freedom. It starts next week.
Even with all the darkness that surrounds us, and the "choiceless choices", the darkness that surrounded the deal to release Shalit, we have to celebrate freedom.
Jews remember our Exodus from Egypt not just at Passover, but every single Friday night when we say Kiddush, when we bless the wine.
We celebrate our freedom every week, and we need to feel it running through our veins, and animating every breath we take.
I am so glad his disgusting father kept his mouth shut during this very touching visit.
This is a very moving clip of Gilad Shalit and his family visiting Bibi Netanyahu to say thank you.
Passover is also known as the holiday of freedom. It starts next week.
Even with all the darkness that surrounds us, and the "choiceless choices", the darkness that surrounded the deal to release Shalit, we have to celebrate freedom.
Jews remember our Exodus from Egypt not just at Passover, but every single Friday night when we say Kiddush, when we bless the wine.
We celebrate our freedom every week, and we need to feel it running through our veins, and animating every breath we take.
I am so glad his disgusting father kept his mouth shut during this very touching visit.
Jews: Sometimes Our Own Worst Enemies
I can’t count the number of times that
non-Jews have asked me why Jews remain liberals, why they vote Liberal (or
further left) in Canada, and Democrat in America.
My answer is always the same.
There are Jews for whom liberalism is their primary identity, the “church” so
to speak, in which they worship. They are liberals first-and Jews second or
third, if at all.
Liberal beliefs are what animate them, more so than any other
understanding of, or commitment to Jewish principles and ideas. They happened to have been born Jewish, that's all.
I was reminded of this yet again when I
read some articles that started circulating this week.
Here is a press release from
Official Canadian Jewry celebrating the election of the new leader of our
furthest left party, the “New Democratic Party”.
Did they not notice that one of his first
actions was to have Libby
Davis as a number two in the party? Doesn’t that mean anything
to them? Such short
I’m not the only person thinking that
establishment Jewry is somewhat
In fact, I see very little evidence that any conservative or right-of-centre
positions are incorporated into any official stances and programming.
Who are these Jewish PR mavens that keep
getting it wrong? And how much are they getting paid?
There is an old story about the Jew who got
stranded on a desert island. Finally, after many years, he gets rescued. His
rescuers note that for one Jew, on one island, there are two synagogues-lovingly
hand-built by the same castaway Jew.
“Why do you have two synagogues for one
Jew,” they ask.
“Eh,” he says, pointing to one synagogue.
“That’s the shul I will never set
foot in!”
Jews have strong convictions-we are “stiff-necked”
and actually proud of it. We can be
stubborn. That’s not always bad. It really bothers the Jew-haters of the world that after the Holocaust, we were stubborn enough to found our own state, so that a second Holocaust couldn't ever happen again.
We are stubborn enough to have weapons now and nukes, and an army! We are stubborn enough to not surrender our national security to the fetid putrid United Nations. We are so uppity and stubborn that we continue to refuse to just die, or enjoy being killed! The nerve!
Jews are supposed to nurture many opinions
and question our faith and decisions. Jews are supposed to wrestle with G-d
(see Jacob-Israel) and wrestle with text (Talmud) and philosophy.
did we get to the point where there is no diversity of opinion within Jewish
officialdom, where dissent is considered troublesome at best and ignorant
at worst?
Why is there an absolute dearth of debate? What are people afraid of?
How is it that Stephen Harper, our
incredible Prime Minister and Jason Kenney, his official badass dude are more
publicly, and apologetically Zionist than our own “leadership”?
Are we lacking brains?
Or is that our lay leadership is being led
by a tired, increasingly annoying and repetitious cadre of elite, liberal “mavens”
who are simply unable to place facts as community priorities above their own
liberal convictions?
By that, I mean identifying actual existential
threats (terrorism) versus imaginary ones (white, Christian, with magic markers or black spray paint) to our communities
and to Israel-and by extension- to the entire Western world.
How can we stop the
rot that has infected our communities?
How can it be that there is not a singular
forum to discuss these issues publicly, to debate the merits of the official
Canadian Jewish opinions on any given issue?
For example, there was never a forum to
discuss the merits of the Canadian Jewish Congress’ stance on Section 13 and
the entire approach to “hate” speech and censorship. And although the CJC has
morphed another kind of relatively ineffectual kind of wishy-washy advocacy
organization (see NDP official Mazel Tov message), there is still a need for
Three Jews, four opinions or more-isn’t
that the way it used to be?
Isn’t that the way it ought to be?
Is anybody listening?
Care to debate?
Loathsome Social Service Psychopaths in the UK
These folks happily wreck many lives, at princely salaries.
There are always more disgusting stories of the ruin.
And of course, there is never any remorse or insight on the part of the massive social welfare industry-and believe me-it's an industry.
There are always more disgusting stories of the ruin.
And of course, there is never any remorse or insight on the part of the massive social welfare industry-and believe me-it's an industry.
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Charles Adler Show Spot, 2:00 p.m EST!
I'll be on the Charles Adler Show today talking about this story at 2:00 p.m EST.
Horrendous. It's Nanny Bastards Gone Wild! The UK is screwed!
Not surprising of course.
My advice to anyone involved with any element of officialdom is: MAKE THEM GO AWAY.
Even if you have to eat a small sized, or super sized crap sandwich to make it all go away, it is best to do so.
Once a meddling bureaucrat gets a whiff of weakness or vulnerability, they tend to latch on with death-grip on your family.
Blaming the victim is standard, and the potential for trouble is endless.
Listen live on the Adler show at 2:00 p.m!
Horrendous. It's Nanny Bastards Gone Wild! The UK is screwed!
Not surprising of course.
My advice to anyone involved with any element of officialdom is: MAKE THEM GO AWAY.
Even if you have to eat a small sized, or super sized crap sandwich to make it all go away, it is best to do so.
Once a meddling bureaucrat gets a whiff of weakness or vulnerability, they tend to latch on with death-grip on your family.
Blaming the victim is standard, and the potential for trouble is endless.
Listen live on the Adler show at 2:00 p.m!
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Is Islam a Scapegoat For the Problems of Immigration?
This is Ed West's suggestion.
Do you think that immigration is the problem, or is it that certain kinds of immigrants are the problem?
Mass immigration can be of benefit to a society. I think it depends on the type of immigrant-and there are many factors that need to be included in the discussion, not excluding religion.
But I am more troubled by something else.
West contents that he is Mark Steyn's biggest fan "in the whole wide world, complete with a wall covered with pictures of him and a tattoo of his face on my chest".
At the moment, I can't decide if I am moderately disturbed or aroused.
Do you think that immigration is the problem, or is it that certain kinds of immigrants are the problem?
Mass immigration can be of benefit to a society. I think it depends on the type of immigrant-and there are many factors that need to be included in the discussion, not excluding religion.
But I am more troubled by something else.
West contents that he is Mark Steyn's biggest fan "in the whole wide world, complete with a wall covered with pictures of him and a tattoo of his face on my chest".
At the moment, I can't decide if I am moderately disturbed or aroused.
My Idiot People
Jews can be very smart. When they are dumb, they can be dumber than a bag of hammers.
When they are ultra-liberals (first), a lot of the obtuseness is understandable, but no less reprehensible.
I saw this article
about professor Noah Feldman blathering
on about broccoli and thought to myself-Feldman, Noah Feldman, where have I
heard this name before?
Oh-now I remember!
is the one who got his Harvard
knickers in a knot because he thought his Orthodox Yeshiva had an issue
with his Korean wife. Imagine that!
They airbrushed him! It would have been easier, he
claimed, if they had excommunicated him like Baruch Spinoza (quite the
comparison-no ego issue there).
There were many
responses at the time, so I’ll just
share one for now.
Personally, I have no problem with an Orthodox Jewish institution,
or individual not celebrating intermarriage.
That’s what makes Orthodox Jews Orthodox. They believe that intermarriage
should not be celebrated-but countered and opposed.
A lot of people who marry
outside the faith want to bully other Jews into celebrating their
intermarriage. There are those who will not go along with that charade, and I
salute them.
It appears though that
Feldman has moved from whining about Photoshop and his non-Jewish bride, and
non-Jewish child and whatnot in the New York Times to weighing in on the Obama
care plan, which hopefully, with any luck, will soon experience an acute case
of rigor mortis at the hands of the Supreme Court judges of America.
This is his assessment:
“...when it comes to the strange and
unusual case of health insurance, inaction causes the whole market to break
down. By not buying health insurance, the healthiest person is depriving
everyone of a public good. By sitting on their hands -- and acting rationally
-- people who do not purchase insurance are unintentionally causing the market
to fail.”
In other words, the success or failure of
the entire health care market is dependent on the people who rationally do not
purchase a particular product in America! They harm the public good because they
do not wish to purchase a certain good/product. And the government will make this better how?
Therefore, going by this logic, the public
good will is served by forcing Americans to purchase a product against their
own better (“rational”) judgement. They
should be forced to buy something that is irrational in order to make a
marketplace “succeed”.
That is absolutely ridiculous. The only success that could result is the
massive winfall for the federal government. Their ownership of healthcare effectively nationalizes one of the biggest industries in the country (perhaps the biggest).
There is a market for absolutely everything
in America-even less than optimum health care plans. There are companies and entrepreneurs itching for even a small percentage of that market.
The market has a mind of
its own, and the less government interferes in any markets, the better.
I suppose Professor Noah Feldman is too
busy to look a little bit north to Canada, where socialized medicine has been
in place ever since a perky young eugenics enthusiast named Tommy Douglas brought it
to our fair country.
We have a “Medicare
Ontario is a province in
such dire financial straits for many reasons, too numerous to list here.
But when a government spends .46 cents out
of every single dollar it has on health care, it is a slight problem. There is even an official web site about “Wait Times”.
There are “wait times” because the system is overloaded, therefore care and resources
are rationalized.
I dearly hope Obama care is overturned.
Repeatedly explaining to people why getting
all this “free” stuff is just not working is frankly exhausting.
It’s bad enough here in Ontario, but the
United Kingdom’s NHS provides an even more accurate picture of socialized
The American scale is much greater, and and therefore the potential scale of destruction is far more ominous.
The attempt by the utopian Obama administration to aggressively attempt
to nationalize American bodies and souls must be fought vigorously.
The stakes are dangerously high, and there is little chance a hostile takeover such as this could possibly be reversed once the course has been set in judicial stone.
Related thoughts on the Tyranny of Obama Care here, from Michelle Bachman.
Related thoughts on the Tyranny of Obama Care here, from Michelle Bachman.
The Horror
Rest in peace.
What a tragic event, compounded by the fact that her husband has since been acquitted. Just terrible.
The husband got what he wanted. I can't imagine a woman so beautiful trying to live her life trapped with the face of a monster.
Acid attacks on women are another Pakistani cultural export.
What a tragic event, compounded by the fact that her husband has since been acquitted. Just terrible.
The husband got what he wanted. I can't imagine a woman so beautiful trying to live her life trapped with the face of a monster.
Acid attacks on women are another Pakistani cultural export.
Nothing to See Here
From the "Hey, Jews Have It Really Great" in France file:
A 12 year old Jewish boy in Paris was beaten by antisemitic thugs-of no particular name, religion or origin.
A 12 year old Jewish boy in Paris was beaten by antisemitic thugs-of no particular name, religion or origin.
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Gender Bender
Kathy has an excellent piece up today at Taki, called Death by Diva?
She brings up a lot of great points, and I think there is a lot of bullying going on today. There simply should not not be any subject that is off limits in a civilized society. There should be no speech that is criminalized-other than threats of imminent injury or death.
Bad ideas are naturally silenced by the intelligent consensus of a civilized majority.
When "bad" ideas, or distasteful ideas are legislated out of popular discourse, or banned, they just go underground-they never disappear.
Speaking of bad ideas-I just ran across this story.
When, exactly, in the history of public education did human sexuality become a "necessary" topic for primary school children?
When did parents lose this battle?
Why can't teachers stick to the rudimentary basics of learning: math, reading, writing, languages and literature and why can't they be refrained from introducing age-inappropriate topics into primary and nursery school curricula?
The joy ride on the road to Western civilizational doom has a significant pit stop in the public educational system.
She brings up a lot of great points, and I think there is a lot of bullying going on today. There simply should not not be any subject that is off limits in a civilized society. There should be no speech that is criminalized-other than threats of imminent injury or death.
Bad ideas are naturally silenced by the intelligent consensus of a civilized majority.
When "bad" ideas, or distasteful ideas are legislated out of popular discourse, or banned, they just go underground-they never disappear.
Speaking of bad ideas-I just ran across this story.
When, exactly, in the history of public education did human sexuality become a "necessary" topic for primary school children?
When did parents lose this battle?
Why can't teachers stick to the rudimentary basics of learning: math, reading, writing, languages and literature and why can't they be refrained from introducing age-inappropriate topics into primary and nursery school curricula?
The joy ride on the road to Western civilizational doom has a significant pit stop in the public educational system.
How Neurotic Mothers Get Book Deals
By starving and humiliating their seven year old daughters.
What could possibly be wrong with that?
I can just hear the legions of NYC shrinks salivating over this one.
Jackpot case! Lifetime commitment! Ka-ching!
What could possibly be wrong with that?
I can just hear the legions of NYC shrinks salivating over this one.
Jackpot case! Lifetime commitment! Ka-ching!
Criminal Speech in Britain
This is a very dangerous precedent. Watch for more of this.
Although distasteful, there should be nothing illegal about saying that someone is dead and laughing (LOL) about it.
This is the state's intrusion into your brain.
Although distasteful, there should be nothing illegal about saying that someone is dead and laughing (LOL) about it.
This is the state's intrusion into your brain.
Monday, March 26, 2012
American Military Justice
Sometimes moves slowly. Sometimes moves quickly.
Has blood money been paid to those gunned down in the US?
Compare and contrast.
Lots of information out there. Some of it processed, and some ignored.
Has blood money been paid to those gunned down in the US?
Compare and contrast.
Lots of information out there. Some of it processed, and some ignored.
The Happiest Man in Britain
"He is really enjoying his new home and so are his family. The inside is very modern and has
been done up more nicely, it has more bedrooms and a larger garden. ‘It is better for the
family. They are all very happy in the larger house."
"My brother cannot work so the British government fund his family to live there.
The new house is costing more but he does not have to pay it because there is
no way he can earn money."
Bonus endorsement for the BBC!
"He told me he is very unhappy with what
has been written about him in the Daily Mail. He is far more pleased
with the BBC which has been much more favourable about him in its
coverage. That’s what he likes to see."
The "Infinite Pleasure"
Of slaughter.
The joy of the true perpetrators.
Of the reconnaissance.
The world, trying to wash its hands, but the stains won't go away.
The utopians.
The whitewash.
The joy of the true perpetrators.
Of the reconnaissance.
The world, trying to wash its hands, but the stains won't go away.
The utopians.
The whitewash.
Higher Education
Learn, study, explore...
Kathy quips: "To boldly go...where no university has gone before".
Apparently, McGill university's pursuit of excellence includes vaginal fisting workshops.
What could possibly be wrong with that? It was run by experts!
It was run by a sex blogger and kink historian. A what?
Now, I have a history degree, but I don't recall being offered a course in kink. That was strictly extracurricular for those that chose.
The workshop Zanin gave at McGill included a live demonstration. I wonder how William Shatner feels about his namesake building being used for this purpose?
QM [Queer McGill] Social Coordinator Lindsey Clark said that the week was scheduled to occur in campus buildings due to increased accessibility for booking event space, and to make it easier for students to attend those events.
“It was a mixture of consciousness and also just ease of event,” she said.
“It partly was conscious that we were having it within the school environment because we feel it is an educational series, that it is important that that be a part of the ‘McGill education,’ but I think it was never fully a conscious choice.”
I'm sure parents and alumni and donors are delighted!
Not unrelated:
"Just like any other business."
There is nothing sacred anymore. Nothing.
Kathy quips: "To boldly go...where no university has gone before".
Apparently, McGill university's pursuit of excellence includes vaginal fisting workshops.
What could possibly be wrong with that? It was run by experts!
It was run by a sex blogger and kink historian. A what?
Now, I have a history degree, but I don't recall being offered a course in kink. That was strictly extracurricular for those that chose.
The workshop Zanin gave at McGill included a live demonstration. I wonder how William Shatner feels about his namesake building being used for this purpose?
QM [Queer McGill] Social Coordinator Lindsey Clark said that the week was scheduled to occur in campus buildings due to increased accessibility for booking event space, and to make it easier for students to attend those events.
“It was a mixture of consciousness and also just ease of event,” she said.
“It partly was conscious that we were having it within the school environment because we feel it is an educational series, that it is important that that be a part of the ‘McGill education,’ but I think it was never fully a conscious choice.”
I'm sure parents and alumni and donors are delighted!
Not unrelated:
"Just like any other business."
There is nothing sacred anymore. Nothing.
Sunday, March 25, 2012
From Afghanistan to Canada
This is a very interesting piece from the Toronto Star, about a teenaged girl who was sponsored to come to Canada to go to school.
Rather than be inspired by it, it made me upset, thinking about the seemingly incidental things that we enjoy here in Canada that are beyond the hope of women in Afghanistan. In her first two months here, she has experienced more freedom than a woman in Afghanistan can expect to experience in a lifetime. The picture there does not look particularly hopeful.
So what are we fighting for? For women to still live in a place where they are attacked for wanting to learn, for wanting not to be illiterate? Where cars are rare, but women drivers are non-existent. For the existence of a place where the burqa is still donned and where girls can be firebombed or acid-attacked on their way to school?
For the right to live in a place where a corrupt tribal, kleptocrat, wearing ugly scarves, spits on Western soldiers and exists solely through the largess of the Western troops that are positioned in Afghanistan?
There were at least a dozen things in this article that made me hope she is never sent back, and that we cut our losses in Afghanistan-let them rot there. Their culture and their treatment of women is despicable and, at this juncture, I am not at all convinced it is reformable or redeemable.
Rather than be inspired by it, it made me upset, thinking about the seemingly incidental things that we enjoy here in Canada that are beyond the hope of women in Afghanistan. In her first two months here, she has experienced more freedom than a woman in Afghanistan can expect to experience in a lifetime. The picture there does not look particularly hopeful.
So what are we fighting for? For women to still live in a place where they are attacked for wanting to learn, for wanting not to be illiterate? Where cars are rare, but women drivers are non-existent. For the existence of a place where the burqa is still donned and where girls can be firebombed or acid-attacked on their way to school?
For the right to live in a place where a corrupt tribal, kleptocrat, wearing ugly scarves, spits on Western soldiers and exists solely through the largess of the Western troops that are positioned in Afghanistan?
There were at least a dozen things in this article that made me hope she is never sent back, and that we cut our losses in Afghanistan-let them rot there. Their culture and their treatment of women is despicable and, at this juncture, I am not at all convinced it is reformable or redeemable.
Most Awesome Way to Start the Week?
Oh, I don't know-perhaps with Mark Steyn being all French and stuff?!?!
*waves back to Mark*
*falls over*
*motions for the youngsters to wave the smelling salts*
*waves back to Mark*
*falls over*
*motions for the youngsters to wave the smelling salts*
Saturday, March 24, 2012
You. Go. Girl.
"The parents I've seen who've gotten the farthest with their kids are the parents whose voices are the absolute loudest"
Yes. Amen to that.
How smart do you have to be to insist that a child with cerebral palsy has her walker taken away "for safety reasons" because it collapsed one time in a playground?
How wonderful and impressive your credentials must be, to be a Special Education Director and advise that a crippled child has their mobility equipment taken from them-for their own safety!
Mind numbing stupidity here. Unfortunately, it's epidemic.
Yes. Amen to that.
How smart do you have to be to insist that a child with cerebral palsy has her walker taken away "for safety reasons" because it collapsed one time in a playground?
How wonderful and impressive your credentials must be, to be a Special Education Director and advise that a crippled child has their mobility equipment taken from them-for their own safety!
Mind numbing stupidity here. Unfortunately, it's epidemic.
Supersize My Danish!
Who is this adorable, hilarious Dane?
And what could be more delightful than a montage to a president with so many strong allies, who constantly punches above his weight?
And what could be more delightful than a montage to a president with so many strong allies, who constantly punches above his weight?
Friday, March 23, 2012
Steynamite Reminder!
Just a reminder that if you are in Toronto, southern Ontario or even the northern end of the United States, you should come to Steynamite.
I have two Gold tickets, apparently this assures me some kind of water boarding spa treatment or some such other infidelicious activity and whatnot.
I'm so excited. Excited because seeing Mark in person can include any of the following ingredients:
Laughs (many of these actually).
Songs (truly memorable).
A dominatrix (mercifully usually just one).
A singing Imam (or facsimile thereof).
Razor-sharp political commentary (lots of this).
Sartorial savoir-faire!
(France sucks, but French is swell...)
Intellectual stimulation!
Oh and stimulation! Some types of stimulation!
Did I mention that already?
Hmmm. Yes, I think I did.
Sorry-what were we talking about?
I have two Gold tickets, apparently this assures me some kind of water boarding spa treatment or some such other infidelicious activity and whatnot.
I'm so excited. Excited because seeing Mark in person can include any of the following ingredients:
Laughs (many of these actually).
Songs (truly memorable).
A dominatrix (mercifully usually just one).
A singing Imam (or facsimile thereof).
Razor-sharp political commentary (lots of this).
Sartorial savoir-faire!
(France sucks, but French is swell...)
Intellectual stimulation!
Oh and stimulation! Some types of stimulation!
Did I mention that already?
Hmmm. Yes, I think I did.
Sorry-what were we talking about?
And I Thought Having the Jehovas At the Door Was Disturbing
"Death at Your Door" definitely beats the Jehovas-hands down. I'd rather see the Avon Lady than Jehovas Witnesses. But rather Jehovas Witnesses than the Grim Reaper.
Europeans are hot for death:
"When Petra de Jong first killed a person, she didn't know what she was doing. The doctor was working as a lung specialist at a Dutch hospital, and her patient was suffering from cancer. It was a hopeless case, she says."
"Today, 20 years later, de Jong plays an influential role in the world of physician-assisted suicide."
Progress! Better drugs, more expert euthanasia experience! Awesome.
Extra Super Duper Creepy:
"The Levenseindekliniek physicians first have to review the medical files of the patients who wish to die. Then they are required to contact the patients' primary care providers to find out why they declined to perform the euthanasia procedure themselves."
Major Creepy:
"Six teams are currently working at the clinic. All participating doctors have previous experience in performing active euthanasia. They will work one day a week in the clinic and the remaining days at their own medical practices. Likewise, they will be allowed to perform euthanasia at most once a month."
Final Nugget:
"NVVE staff members don't try to talk any of them out of killing themselves. "It's not our job," de Jong says. "It would be paternalistic."
Their job is killing, stupid. DUH!!!
Europeans are hot for death:
"When Petra de Jong first killed a person, she didn't know what she was doing. The doctor was working as a lung specialist at a Dutch hospital, and her patient was suffering from cancer. It was a hopeless case, she says."
"Today, 20 years later, de Jong plays an influential role in the world of physician-assisted suicide."
Progress! Better drugs, more expert euthanasia experience! Awesome.
Extra Super Duper Creepy:
"The Levenseindekliniek physicians first have to review the medical files of the patients who wish to die. Then they are required to contact the patients' primary care providers to find out why they declined to perform the euthanasia procedure themselves."
Major Creepy:
"Six teams are currently working at the clinic. All participating doctors have previous experience in performing active euthanasia. They will work one day a week in the clinic and the remaining days at their own medical practices. Likewise, they will be allowed to perform euthanasia at most once a month."
Final Nugget:
"NVVE staff members don't try to talk any of them out of killing themselves. "It's not our job," de Jong says. "It would be paternalistic."
Their job is killing, stupid. DUH!!!
It's. On!
Apparently, I am way off about the
recent murder of Jews in Toulouse.
Matt Gurney, from the National Post thinks
that the French did a bang-up job with the most recent terrorist episode in
What’s the problem?
The problem is that that is not the
One terrorist has been eliminated-great.
But the problem is much greater than this one episode. It’s another French
band-aid solution, like
banning face veils.
It’s a cosmetic quick fix, for public consumption, rather
than a serious philosophical examination of the issues.
does not have a glorious history as far as anti-Semitism goes and it’s
not getting any better.
Dreyfuss. Vichy. Al-Dura. Traffic
Cars torched in Paris by the thousands. Ilan Halimi z”l.
Jewish life in Paris, even at the
quasi-official memorial /restaurant to terrorist victims at a 1980s bombing-kaput. The place where Jews were targeted, but innocent Frenchmen
were killed!
There are also those quaint little enclaves
known as Des Zones Urbaines Sensibles, the “Sensitive
Urban Zones” .
It’s not just me who thinks that the Jews
should get out of France. Apparently, French
Jews have identified their existence in France as a problem as well.
don’t talk about it! One terrorist is dead-everything is cool now! Don't talk about it.
Don’t listen to what European Jews say
about it, either (read the
Just have a moment of silence and remember....the terrorist because he had a hard life! (To their credit, many students walked out and parents were outraged...)
Just have a moment of silence and remember....the terrorist because he had a hard life! (To their credit, many students walked out and parents were outraged...)
Don’t think about the
exhibitionist nature of the problem, the collusion of the Western elites in the
conspiracy of silence.
Exit questions (and just bear with me because I'm not very bright):
If I am so wrong-so waaaaaay off, why should
anyone care what I think?
Why does the National Post care? I'm a very minor player. It's a small blog. It's gorgeous, I know, but just a One Jewish "Conservative" Broad operation.
If the National Post cares what I think-at least enough that I inspire op-ed content with one little blog post-maybe they should let me respond
in the same shiny, sparkly space in the op-ed section-I'm rather fond of that little slice of real estate in the paper.
And if Matt Gurney is right, why not allow
comments on that particular post?
PS: Matt-you're totally wrong.
PPS: France totally sucks and Jews with any sense would do well to leave that festering cesspool of antisemitism while they still can-that is to say, while they are still alive.
PPS: The same goes for Europe in general. France is the suckiest, but Sweden is number 2 on the list of Worst Places in Europe For Jews That Insist on Living There (thanks for the heads up, my Blazing, Furry Friend)
PPS: The same goes for Europe in general. France is the suckiest, but Sweden is number 2 on the list of Worst Places in Europe For Jews That Insist on Living There (thanks for the heads up, my Blazing, Furry Friend)
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Gendercide in the UK
Will the "crackdown" make any difference at all?
I doubt it.
Ultrasound technology-quite like the life of these unborn children-is cheap.
I doubt it.
Ultrasound technology-quite like the life of these unborn children-is cheap.
Nanny Bastards
Someone desperately needs a hug!
Best friends have been banned in England-so as not to make kids feel bad about...whatever or something.
Now a hug ban in America.
What's next?
Don't answer that!
Best friends have been banned in England-so as not to make kids feel bad about...whatever or something.
Now a hug ban in America.
What's next?
Don't answer that!
Mark Steyn: Lather, Rinse, and Repeat
Read Mark Steyn's updated comment on the murders in Toulouse:
Among other observations, he notes that "apparently the really bad thing about actual dead Jews is that it might lead to dead non-Jews".
Read the whole thing.
Among other observations, he notes that "apparently the really bad thing about actual dead Jews is that it might lead to dead non-Jews".
Read the whole thing.
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
The End is Nigh
In which I express amazement at the hotness of this lesbian.
(In comparison to her previous incarnation of course...)
Click! Be not afraid!
(In comparison to her previous incarnation of course...)
Click! Be not afraid!
I May Have to Kill Myself!
Kate just turned schadenfruede into a verb.
Why. Did. I. Not. Think. Of. That. Before?
Is there an AWESOMENESS prize out there on the Internet?
Oh Mah Gawd! I will never look at that word the same way again.
It's OVER between me and schadenfruede the noun.
Why. Did. I. Not. Think. Of. That. Before?
Is there an AWESOMENESS prize out there on the Internet?
Oh Mah Gawd! I will never look at that word the same way again.
It's OVER between me and schadenfruede the noun.
Some Thoughts About Toulouse
Some thoughts and some images make it hard
to get through the day.
While the recent slaughter of Jews in
France is not my personal tragedy, it is still painful. I purposely avoid the
news some days. I don’t want to hear the details about children being abused
and murdered and dying. And I wish I
hadn’t seen the picture of those little bodies wrapped in talitot (prayer
shawls) because I can’t get it out of my head and I know I never will. Nor should any of us.
Although not my personal heartache,
although I have no right to feel pain over this, I felt totally overwhelmed
with emotion today lifting my youngest out of bed in the morning, feeling his
warm cheeks-still flushed from peaceful sleep, smelling his head and thinking
about the horror of a mother, in France having to hold a cold, dead, child in
her arms.
Of course, plus
ca change - as the French say.
I couldn’t help thinking about the
completely mundane, every day action of dropping your children off at school
leading to the most unimaginable pain that a parent can experience.
Jews were hunted yesterday. Like animals,
by a predator who no doubt, delighted in his sadism and every small part of the
action, the planning, the scouting, the weapon, the terror, the blood. Jews
were murdered yesterday by a Muslim terrorist because they made the mistake of
an unforgiveable crime-breathing while Jewish.
hope was expressed by the leftist, continental, Western, European in-denial
masses that the perpetrator was a white, Christian “neo-Nazi”. How much
easier it would be on their consciences if only the shooter was a white,
Christian male, spewing about Jesus as he mowed down his Jewish prey.
If only.
If only we took no prisoners.
But when we have to take prisoners, if only we took prisoners and held them.
If only we took no prisoners.
But when we have to take prisoners, if only we took prisoners and held them.
As I remarked to Kathy earlier today, what we are
seeing of course is “Neo” Nazism. This is indisputably the same gleeful spirit
of slaughter and sadism, and the same blood lust that has been documented
countless times against Jews throughout history-most recently of course in WWII
So the leftists, the "in-denial" masses, eager to blame these murders on "Neo" Nazis were actually right.
In fact, a "Neo" Nazi murdered Jews in cold blood, in France yesterday.
So the leftists, the "in-denial" masses, eager to blame these murders on "Neo" Nazis were actually right.
In fact, a "Neo" Nazi murdered Jews in cold blood, in France yesterday.
Mark Steyn notes in his Moral Equivalence Watch that the
best defence against Judenhaas-motivated, cold-blooded murder is a “good”
offence. The moral equivalence doesn’t surprise me anymore. It does not
take my breath away.
He pointed out years ago that Jewish life takes
place only behind increasingly heavy security-guards, security walls, nondescript buildings and no identifiably Jewish clothing or outerwear.
Jewish “life”? Not exactly.
The question: What kind of a Jewish “life”
is this?
The answer: This is not Jewish
“life”, this is Jewish subsistence. Europe has no Jewish life. There
is only, and can only be Jewish death in Europe.
For those willing to see it, we can see
that Jews have reached a fork in the road of our existence as a people. Unfortunately, both of these European roads
lead to Jewish death.
One road is the Death, or the Murder of Community.
This is Jewish death by drips and drabs, by
security fences and
lynchings; by the slow death of a Rabbi here or there, the beating of a few
Jewish kids, the closing of businesses, the expulsion from schools, and the
expulsion from cities.
It is the slow
erosion of Jewish rights, the majority of the people in any given town or city silently
ignoring incrementally egregious attacks, hoping to be the last, or only ones
not victimized.
It is the placement of “scare quotes” on “radical
views”, or "radical influences", subtly and incidiously suggesting that there is nothing particularly radical about
wanting to murder Jews in cold blood. How radical is that?
(See Globe & Mail screen shot from
earlier today, posted below.)
The second is Instant Death. This is by terrorism
and while less frequent, more “random” and more shocking, it still leading to
the same place.
There is no Jewish “life” in Europe.
There is only blood-soaked Earth, ghosts, mass graves, confiscated property and artwork, unclaimed insurance policies, Judaica in museums. There are sad photo-ops at Holocaust Memorial Day "celebrations". There are tours of Anne Frank's House, the Anne Frank House Gift Shop, the worshiping of her tree, tours of Auschwitz-Birkenau and Polish towns where gentiles play klezmer music in Hebrew-lettered cafes.
There are, in Europe, Jews desperately clinging to the idea that Europeans have changed, that Jewish life is “renewed” and that Europe-for the Jews-is redeemable.
This is the picture of naive Jews refusing to see that the demographics of Europe, with France leading the way, has sealed the future of Jewish “life” in Europe.
There is only blood-soaked Earth, ghosts, mass graves, confiscated property and artwork, unclaimed insurance policies, Judaica in museums. There are sad photo-ops at Holocaust Memorial Day "celebrations". There are tours of Anne Frank's House, the Anne Frank House Gift Shop, the worshiping of her tree, tours of Auschwitz-Birkenau and Polish towns where gentiles play klezmer music in Hebrew-lettered cafes.
There are, in Europe, Jews desperately clinging to the idea that Europeans have changed, that Jewish life is “renewed” and that Europe-for the Jews-is redeemable.
This is the picture of naive Jews refusing to see that the demographics of Europe, with France leading the way, has sealed the future of Jewish “life” in Europe.
Those who can leave, should.
Those who have any fight in them, must.
Those that pursue us will never win. We will outlive and bury you.
Those souls murdered in cold blood will be
Those lives matter.
Am Yisrael Chai.
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Screen Shot-Note "Scare Quotes" |
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Formerly Nazi Country Warns Jews Not To Take Action to Prevent New Holocaust
And what could possibly be wrong with that?
Germans-redefining chutzpah!
Irony is like sooo ironic sometimes.
Germans-redefining chutzpah!
Irony is like sooo ironic sometimes.
Most Audacious Plan Ever, But EVAH EVAH???
Let's think back about 500 years...hmmm....
Let us all be history sluts for a moment.
That means bigger than the Ottomans versus the Austrian Empire (laughs).
More audacious than Waterloo (laughs harder).
Bigger and more audacious than nuking Imperial Japan (rolls over, gasping for breath).
Bigger and more audacious than defeating the Nazis and D-Day (seriously dying now)?
Bigger than the Napoleonic Wars, the American Civil War and if we are loose with dates-as history sluts sometimes are-that could include the Spanish Inquisition also (out of control giggling).
You decide for yourselves.
Let's think back about 500 years...hmmm....
Let us all be history sluts for a moment.
That means bigger than the Ottomans versus the Austrian Empire (laughs).
More audacious than Waterloo (laughs harder).
Bigger and more audacious than nuking Imperial Japan (rolls over, gasping for breath).
Bigger and more audacious than defeating the Nazis and D-Day (seriously dying now)?
Bigger than the Napoleonic Wars, the American Civil War and if we are loose with dates-as history sluts sometimes are-that could include the Spanish Inquisition also (out of control giggling).
You decide for yourselves.
Kathy Shaidle: Turning Cads Into Klansmen
I remember when Kathy posted about this a couple of weeks ago, and now she has expanded on the theme.
It's a great piece.
I do read stuff from the "Manosphere" a lot. Sometimes it's funny, and sometimes it's breathtaking (not in a good way), but it always sheds a little light onto human nature. And there are all kinds of humans out there.
I also think Roissy a.ka. "Heartiste" is best at the 'how women's brains work' and 'how men's brains work' posts. Some of the posts get a little clunky when they start talking White Power and how the JOOOOOOOS control the world. But it remains a guilty pleasure.
Certainly, I have argued many of the same things myself about women being picky, about grossly overweight women being picky and how that leads to sexlessness. There are a lot of good insights there on how men can improve their game with women. A lot about confidence and approach and how feminism has ruined many generations of women.
But basically, I'm with my friend Barbara who says "Men are from Earth, women are from Earth. Get the fuck over it."
It's a great piece.
I do read stuff from the "Manosphere" a lot. Sometimes it's funny, and sometimes it's breathtaking (not in a good way), but it always sheds a little light onto human nature. And there are all kinds of humans out there.
I also think Roissy a.ka. "Heartiste" is best at the 'how women's brains work' and 'how men's brains work' posts. Some of the posts get a little clunky when they start talking White Power and how the JOOOOOOOS control the world. But it remains a guilty pleasure.
Certainly, I have argued many of the same things myself about women being picky, about grossly overweight women being picky and how that leads to sexlessness. There are a lot of good insights there on how men can improve their game with women. A lot about confidence and approach and how feminism has ruined many generations of women.
But basically, I'm with my friend Barbara who says "Men are from Earth, women are from Earth. Get the fuck over it."
OK. I am officially done feeling any emotion whatsoever for the woman who was hit with the shopping cart while buying Halloween candy for underprivileged kids.
She is clinically dead for seven minutes (doesn't that count at least for attempted murder?), loses vision in one eye, has not received any apology or expression of remorse and yet, still feels sorry for her attackers, and still "doesn't think" her son would do the same thing. Seriously?
The only person making any sense is the victim's father who says: “What have these young thugs learned from their experience? That they can be thugs and get away with it."
She is clinically dead for seven minutes (doesn't that count at least for attempted murder?), loses vision in one eye, has not received any apology or expression of remorse and yet, still feels sorry for her attackers, and still "doesn't think" her son would do the same thing. Seriously?
The only person making any sense is the victim's father who says: “What have these young thugs learned from their experience? That they can be thugs and get away with it."
Embrace The Weird
Gotta love Mark Steyn!
(I mean love him like a Happy Warrior Musical Evil Twin Civilization Warrior Anglican British-Canadian Philosemite With A Jewish-Sounding Name kind of brother. Or cousin-yes. Yes...cousin! Like those quaint Pashtun cousin set ups, you know where the family sticks together, marry one another and hang out with each other-those kind of cousins...OH BUT I DIGRESS...NEVERMIND.)
Here's his new Happy Warrior column about "Weird Politics".
"Let's take it as read that Rick Santorum is weird. After all, he believes in the sanctity of life, the primacy of the family, the traditional socio-religious understanding of a transcendent purpose to human existence. Once upon a time, back in the mists of, ooh, the mid–20th century, all these things were, if not entirely universal, sufficiently mainstream as to be barely worthy of discussion. Now they're not. Isn't the fact that conventional morality is now "weird" itself deeply weird? The instant weirdification of ideas taken for granted for millennia is surely mega-weird — unless you think that our generation is possessed of wisdom unique to human history. In which case, why are we broke?"
Personally, I'll take a super-sized version of that kind of weird.
Or alternately, I'm hip with being square ("weird").
(I mean love him like a Happy Warrior Musical Evil Twin Civilization Warrior Anglican British-Canadian Philosemite With A Jewish-Sounding Name kind of brother. Or cousin-yes. Yes...cousin! Like those quaint Pashtun cousin set ups, you know where the family sticks together, marry one another and hang out with each other-those kind of cousins...OH BUT I DIGRESS...NEVERMIND.)
Here's his new Happy Warrior column about "Weird Politics".
"Let's take it as read that Rick Santorum is weird. After all, he believes in the sanctity of life, the primacy of the family, the traditional socio-religious understanding of a transcendent purpose to human existence. Once upon a time, back in the mists of, ooh, the mid–20th century, all these things were, if not entirely universal, sufficiently mainstream as to be barely worthy of discussion. Now they're not. Isn't the fact that conventional morality is now "weird" itself deeply weird? The instant weirdification of ideas taken for granted for millennia is surely mega-weird — unless you think that our generation is possessed of wisdom unique to human history. In which case, why are we broke?"
Personally, I'll take a super-sized version of that kind of weird.
Or alternately, I'm hip with being square ("weird").
Jews Are Being Hunted
That's really the message right now.
As they have always been hunted, so they are hunted today.
To me, it doesn't matter right now who the hunter was. The information is convoluted and murky.
Jew hatred can be motivated by many ideologies-left, right, religious, secular, theological. That doesn't matter either.
What matters is that Jews are being hunted.
As they have always been hunted, so they are hunted today.
To me, it doesn't matter right now who the hunter was. The information is convoluted and murky.
Jew hatred can be motivated by many ideologies-left, right, religious, secular, theological. That doesn't matter either.
What matters is that Jews are being hunted.
Monday, March 19, 2012
Toto, We Ain't in Cairo Anymore
I thought coming out as a conservative was hard.
Try coming out as a gay, Jewish Egyptian.
(He's actually very hot! A nice, swarthy Jewish boy-just the kind I like, but this one bats for the other team!)
I thought coming out as a conservative was hard.
Try coming out as a gay, Jewish Egyptian.
(He's actually very hot! A nice, swarthy Jewish boy-just the kind I like, but this one bats for the other team!)
American Justice
Is anyone else out there troubled by this story?
Let's face it-video taping your roommate doing the deed with a man or a woman is nasty stuff. It's pretty douchey. But I'm really wondering about the charges here.
The roommate was charged with bias intimidation and invasion of privacy.
What the hell is that supposed to mean? Bias intimidation? That sounds like something that would come out of the Canadian Human Rights Commission, rather than the American justice system.
Are peeping Tom heterosexuals ever charged with this in America?
I also think it is reasonable to ask what information college students have about their roommates-and if they are given the opportunity to indicate any kind of preference about them? Is it just a raffle? Random?
Most colleges are basically petri dishes for sexually transmitted diseases and promiscuity.
Are you allowed to ask if you are being placed with a smoker or non-smoker?
Vegan versus carnivore?
Someone who is a morning person versus a night owl? A quiet person versus a party animal?
These are more innocuous than issues of sexuality, but even these could create a lot of friction between people living in the same, small space.
Colleges are now asking about sexual orientation. But it's to create "safe" space and support services.
I suspect that most (if not all) college students have no choices in this matter, and that students are not able to discuss any kind of discomfort about anything to do with their roommates because they could get harassed, or even prosecuted under anti-hate proceedings.
Is it reasonable to allow students who do have a level of discomfort with different sexual orientations a discreet way of expressing that before rooming assignments are done?
Like I said-filming someone in an intimate situation is reprehensible (and really stupid even if it's consensual).
But killing yourself over it is a permanent "fix" for a short-term problem.
This is a much bigger issue than this particular story.
Let's face it-video taping your roommate doing the deed with a man or a woman is nasty stuff. It's pretty douchey. But I'm really wondering about the charges here.
The roommate was charged with bias intimidation and invasion of privacy.
What the hell is that supposed to mean? Bias intimidation? That sounds like something that would come out of the Canadian Human Rights Commission, rather than the American justice system.
Are peeping Tom heterosexuals ever charged with this in America?
I also think it is reasonable to ask what information college students have about their roommates-and if they are given the opportunity to indicate any kind of preference about them? Is it just a raffle? Random?
Most colleges are basically petri dishes for sexually transmitted diseases and promiscuity.
Are you allowed to ask if you are being placed with a smoker or non-smoker?
Vegan versus carnivore?
Someone who is a morning person versus a night owl? A quiet person versus a party animal?
These are more innocuous than issues of sexuality, but even these could create a lot of friction between people living in the same, small space.
Colleges are now asking about sexual orientation. But it's to create "safe" space and support services.
I suspect that most (if not all) college students have no choices in this matter, and that students are not able to discuss any kind of discomfort about anything to do with their roommates because they could get harassed, or even prosecuted under anti-hate proceedings.
Is it reasonable to allow students who do have a level of discomfort with different sexual orientations a discreet way of expressing that before rooming assignments are done?
Like I said-filming someone in an intimate situation is reprehensible (and really stupid even if it's consensual).
But killing yourself over it is a permanent "fix" for a short-term problem.
This is a much bigger issue than this particular story.
May I Take Your Order?
Will that be a Grande Panda Poopy English Breakfast Blend, a Low Fat Diarrhea Chai Latte or a Extra Foofy Feces Decaf Half Caf Earl Grey?
Make sure you get your Poopy Points Card, too.
What a craptacular idea.
Make sure you get your Poopy Points Card, too.
What a craptacular idea.
Touching Yourself for Charity
Jim Goad is hilarious.
I can barely get through his stuff without laughing out loud.
Today, he has a masterpiece up on Taki Magazine.
"If I had known that public masturbation can cure dehydration, I never would have guzzled all those Diet Cokes".
Read the whole thing.
I can barely get through his stuff without laughing out loud.
Today, he has a masterpiece up on Taki Magazine.
"If I had known that public masturbation can cure dehydration, I never would have guzzled all those Diet Cokes".
Read the whole thing.
The internet and social media is not only making people dumber, but making it easier to reach thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of people (while sitting on your rear end in the comfort of your living room) and show them in real time, what a stupid moron you are.
My current pet peeve is (and maybe I'll do a series) is the Lament of the Middle Aged Sex Symbol. How boring and simultaneously disgusting is it for formerly hot actresses to lament the erosion of their hotness, and whine to various tabloids about how they actually still think they are that hot, or taking to posing in outfits and poses from the Fellatio Impressionism Period of art.
They so desperately want to demonstrate that THEY HAVE STILL GOT IT?!??!
They have some of it, but not all of it-that's just the way of the world.
I mean-Madonna and the gloves. Come on!
Demi and Ashton? Ugh.
Elle MacPherson has lately jumped on this bandwagon. It's bloody awful. Cindy Crawford and Brooke Shields, too.
Most of these formerly hot women would be much hotter if they admited that time ticks on. They can still be sexy and dignified, but time stands still for no hottie.
When these broads die, they will need to be tossed into the recycling box instead of buried due to environmental regulations concerning the disposal of plastics. (Not hot.)
Nobody has ever loved the process of aging, but at least-up until now there was no internet for women to constantly moan about it online.
America: Rebel Against the TSA
Americans who acquiesce to this are part of the problem.
Apparently, a little boy in a wheelchair is the biggest threat to air travel since 9/11.
Yes, we all know that 19 little boys with Cerebral Palsy brought down those Twin Towers with nothing more than their Elmo videos and their wheelchair remote controls.
What a disgusting spectacle. A disabled child is physically accosted, swabbed and treated as suspicious by some moron, who is part of an entire conspiracy of Airport Security Kabuki Theatre.
Any politician with any balls at all would demand this "screener's" ass on a platter and a complete dismantling of the most p*ssified air traffic "security" system in the Western world.
This makes me sick to my stomach.
Will anyone take the lead on this?
Anyone at all?
Apparently, a little boy in a wheelchair is the biggest threat to air travel since 9/11.
Yes, we all know that 19 little boys with Cerebral Palsy brought down those Twin Towers with nothing more than their Elmo videos and their wheelchair remote controls.
What a disgusting spectacle. A disabled child is physically accosted, swabbed and treated as suspicious by some moron, who is part of an entire conspiracy of Airport Security Kabuki Theatre.
Any politician with any balls at all would demand this "screener's" ass on a platter and a complete dismantling of the most p*ssified air traffic "security" system in the Western world.
This makes me sick to my stomach.
Will anyone take the lead on this?
Anyone at all?
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Behold The Sound of A Presidential Ass Whooping
Much has been said about this masterpiece by Mark Steyn.
This piece, if you haven't read it already (and if not WHY FOR THE LOVE OF HEAVEN WHY) then you must read it now.
(Interestingly, the Wiki page apparently "needs clean up".)
Mucho amazingo:
"Considering that he is (in the words of historian Michael Beschloss) "the smartest guy ever to become president," the entire passage sounded as if it was plucked straight from one of those "Top Twenty Useful Quotes for Forward-Looking Inspirational Speakers" websites. And whaddayaknow? Rutherford B. Hayes, the TV flash in the pan, the horse is here to stay – they're all at the Wikiquote page on "Incorrect Predictions." Fancy that! You can also find his selected examples at the web page "Some Really Really Bad Predictions About the Future" and a bazillion others."
"So let's see. The president sneers at the ignorance of 15th century Spaniards when, in fact, he is the one entirely ignorant of them. A man who has enjoyed a million dollars of elite education yet has never created a dime of wealth in his life sneers at a crippled farm boy with an eighth-grade schooling who establishes a successful business and introduces electrical distribution across Michigan all the way up to Sault Ste Marie. A man sneers at one of the pioneering women in broadcasting, a lady who brought the voices of T.S. Eliot, G.K. Chesterton and others into the farthest-flung classrooms and would surely have rejected Obama's own dismal speech as being too obviously reliant on "Half-A-Dozen Surefire Cheap Cracks For Lazy Public Speakers." A man whose own budget officials predict the collapse of the entire U.S. economy by 2027 sneers at a solvent predecessor for being insufficiently "forward-looking."
Twisted, baby-I'm telling ya, it's Twisted!!!
This piece, if you haven't read it already (and if not WHY FOR THE LOVE OF HEAVEN WHY) then you must read it now.
(Interestingly, the Wiki page apparently "needs clean up".)
Mucho amazingo:
"Considering that he is (in the words of historian Michael Beschloss) "the smartest guy ever to become president," the entire passage sounded as if it was plucked straight from one of those "Top Twenty Useful Quotes for Forward-Looking Inspirational Speakers" websites. And whaddayaknow? Rutherford B. Hayes, the TV flash in the pan, the horse is here to stay – they're all at the Wikiquote page on "Incorrect Predictions." Fancy that! You can also find his selected examples at the web page "Some Really Really Bad Predictions About the Future" and a bazillion others."
"So let's see. The president sneers at the ignorance of 15th century Spaniards when, in fact, he is the one entirely ignorant of them. A man who has enjoyed a million dollars of elite education yet has never created a dime of wealth in his life sneers at a crippled farm boy with an eighth-grade schooling who establishes a successful business and introduces electrical distribution across Michigan all the way up to Sault Ste Marie. A man sneers at one of the pioneering women in broadcasting, a lady who brought the voices of T.S. Eliot, G.K. Chesterton and others into the farthest-flung classrooms and would surely have rejected Obama's own dismal speech as being too obviously reliant on "Half-A-Dozen Surefire Cheap Cracks For Lazy Public Speakers." A man whose own budget officials predict the collapse of the entire U.S. economy by 2027 sneers at a solvent predecessor for being insufficiently "forward-looking."
Twisted, baby-I'm telling ya, it's Twisted!!!
Why the UK Is screwed
For a lot of reasons, clearly. But this article explains how democracies are essentially run by civil servants/public servants/bureaucrats-who wish to impose their ideas on a captive citizenry. This is the case in North America, in much of Europe and somewhat in other English-speaking Commonwealth countries. In "The Civil Servants Are the Masters Nowadays", it is very well put:
"How is it, then, that a government is frustrated by the very people it appoints? Here we come to the huge problem nowadays of our permanent official and semi-official classes. So weak is Parliament, and so nervous is government of looking over-political, that these classes fill the gap left by “here today, gone tomorrow” politicians."
"If you look, for example, at the public appointments rules introduced in the name of procedural correctness, or of “diversity” (which, by an Orwellian effect, really means uniformity), you will see that they are run by civil servants. Naturally, they choose people appealing to the civil servant’s cast of mind. Everywhere – in the appointment of peers or quangocrats, in IPSA, the body which decides on MPs’ expenses, or on the Committee for Standards in Public Life – unelected people lay down the moral law for the elected. They welcome the opinions of interest groups, and exclude those of the public and the people the public elect."
"How is it, then, that a government is frustrated by the very people it appoints? Here we come to the huge problem nowadays of our permanent official and semi-official classes. So weak is Parliament, and so nervous is government of looking over-political, that these classes fill the gap left by “here today, gone tomorrow” politicians."
"If you look, for example, at the public appointments rules introduced in the name of procedural correctness, or of “diversity” (which, by an Orwellian effect, really means uniformity), you will see that they are run by civil servants. Naturally, they choose people appealing to the civil servant’s cast of mind. Everywhere – in the appointment of peers or quangocrats, in IPSA, the body which decides on MPs’ expenses, or on the Committee for Standards in Public Life – unelected people lay down the moral law for the elected. They welcome the opinions of interest groups, and exclude those of the public and the people the public elect."
Nanny Bastards
Is there anything that the Nanny State does not want to ban?
Can these Nanny Statists get any more stupid, controlling and arrogant?
Apparently not.
Can these Nanny Statists get any more stupid, controlling and arrogant?
Apparently not.
Saturday, March 17, 2012
my idiot people
“After the assault it took me three long days to understand what had
happened to me, and find a name for it. I couldn’t wrap my mind around
it, because I couldn’t understand how someone who spoke with me using
the language of opposition to oppression could breach my walls.”
What a maroon. Read all about my idiot people here.
Apparently, the sexual assaults took place in Sheikh Jarrah and Kfar a-Dik.
What a maroon. Read all about my idiot people here.
Apparently, the sexual assaults took place in Sheikh Jarrah and Kfar a-Dik.
Double Plus Delicious
I am still laughing my head off.
Welcome to my life.
The University of Chicago writing program has graciously provided everyone in the whole world to become an academic-just for a few moments.
Take it for a test drive.
I could actually do this blindfolded, typing with two fingers while listening to Dee-Lite, or some other inspired 80s or 90s music and blow drying my hair.....HOWEVER, this automatic generator is a hoot.
Welcome to my life.
The University of Chicago writing program has graciously provided everyone in the whole world to become an academic-just for a few moments.
Take it for a test drive.
I could actually do this blindfolded, typing with two fingers while listening to Dee-Lite, or some other inspired 80s or 90s music and blow drying my hair.....HOWEVER, this automatic generator is a hoot.
My Favourite Living Italian
I swear this guy has Fallaci blood running through his veins. I just love him.
Friday, March 16, 2012
Great Tune
Thanks pbird for the tip.
Look at those moves. This is smooooooooooooth.
Nothing like some groovy music to settle your pulse rate down after dealing with your six hundred and eleventy bazillionth idiotic item of the day.
Look at those moves. This is smooooooooooooth.
Nothing like some groovy music to settle your pulse rate down after dealing with your six hundred and eleventy bazillionth idiotic item of the day.
"young adults"-otherwise known as Why the West is Screwed
What the heck is a "young adult"?
This is a terribly depressing article.
Permanent teenagers, mooching off their parents forever, going to expensive schools to study useless things. And then they decide to take graduate programs for more useless garbage, being thirty, or forty-year old students taking Navel Gazing Studies and subsequently whining about how there are no good jobs in that field (mind you-I think Facebook is hiring).
"Of those living at home, some 78 percent say they’re upbeat about their living arrangements.."
I guess so, when you are a freeloader, sponging off your parents forever and you get free rent, meals made, laundry done and lots of time to fart your life away on social media, life is good. Why wouldn't you be upbeat?
Another revealing nugget (and frankly, the fact that these overgrown narcissistic "young adults" are not embarrassed to be in this article says a lot):
"In fact, as many as 3 in 10 young adults postponed marriage, starting a family, or both, due to the economy, according to the Pew report. Another third have returned to school and untold numbers have settled for a job simply to make ends meet."
That's actually breathtaking.
I got news for people. Life ain't a dress rehearsal. It goes by fast. You have to prioritize. Blaming "the economy" for anything is pathetic.
"Settling" for a job? Is that what people now mean when they ought to be thinking "earning my keep".
This is the hell child of the self-esteem doula.
A terrible waste.
This is a terribly depressing article.
Permanent teenagers, mooching off their parents forever, going to expensive schools to study useless things. And then they decide to take graduate programs for more useless garbage, being thirty, or forty-year old students taking Navel Gazing Studies and subsequently whining about how there are no good jobs in that field (mind you-I think Facebook is hiring).
"Of those living at home, some 78 percent say they’re upbeat about their living arrangements.."
I guess so, when you are a freeloader, sponging off your parents forever and you get free rent, meals made, laundry done and lots of time to fart your life away on social media, life is good. Why wouldn't you be upbeat?
Another revealing nugget (and frankly, the fact that these overgrown narcissistic "young adults" are not embarrassed to be in this article says a lot):
"In fact, as many as 3 in 10 young adults postponed marriage, starting a family, or both, due to the economy, according to the Pew report. Another third have returned to school and untold numbers have settled for a job simply to make ends meet."
That's actually breathtaking.
I got news for people. Life ain't a dress rehearsal. It goes by fast. You have to prioritize. Blaming "the economy" for anything is pathetic.
"Settling" for a job? Is that what people now mean when they ought to be thinking "earning my keep".
This is the hell child of the self-esteem doula.
A terrible waste.
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