Thursday, January 4, 2018

Canadian PM Hairdo And the Company He Keeps

Never attribute to screw up or naivety what should rightly be recognized as a conscious political position. 

"From a PR point of view, Mr. Trudeau's meeting with the family can only reinforce the notion that he's soft on terror. This is the Prime Minister who recently spoke about "reintegration" programs as a way to deal with returning jihadis. While Mr. Boyle is by no means a terrorist, he also seems to have gone out of his way to seek out the company of people that a lot of Canadians perceive as bad guys."

"A prime minister with functioning political antennae would have been alert to the dangers of associating with Mr. Boyle. Mr. Trudeau was not. The same is true of his vacation with the Aga Khan, which was a bad idea even if it hadn't broken the ethics law. I can't think of any recent predecessor – of either party – who would have made such dumb mistakes. And these are easy cases. What might happen with the hard ones?"