"How can anyone survive three circles of hell, three rounds of endless torture, without breaking? I do not have the answer. It seems Rubin had a rare combination of pride and Jewish courage, which allowed him to persevere. Even under inhuman conditions, he refused to surrender. In a place where prison wardens and criminals had the upper hand, he dared fight against every form of anti-Semitism, whether from camp commanders or from violent prisoners lacking moral inhibitions. If he had to fight and strike, he fought and struck. He fought the devil – first in the form of Nazis, then in the form of the Soviets – and won."
"After making aliyah and moving to Israel, Rubin settled down, married, and finally enjoyed the peace he had earned. This was the time to tell his story. He married none other than Karni Jabotinsky, the granddaughter of Revisionist Zionist leader Zeev Jabotinsky, a poet of Jewish courage and pride. The symbolism is hard to miss. Perhaps this pairing was orchestrated by a phantom screenwriter."