Very good article by Daniel Greenfield at FrontPage Magazine.
He describes the difference between "smart" and "dumb" police states.
"Some police states are smart, calculated power grabs. Others are dumb
defaults. A smart police state suspects everyone because it’s a
tyranny. A dumb police state is run by people who can’t or won’t narrow
down the suspect list so that they are forced to suspect everyone."
This is pretty much what is happening in America and most of the Western world today.
A reluctance to identify Islamic terror as the primary form of terrorism today, and as the primary threat to the West means that everyone becomes an "equal" suspect. Which is not just dumb, it's anti-democratic and complicit in evil as well.
Mark Steyn weighs in as well on the transformation of America from a Republic to a paramilitarized bureaucracy:
"A bureaucracy is bad. A politicized bureaucracy is worse. A paramilitary
politicized bureaucracy is nuts. And, in fact, evil. There is no reason
in a civilized society why the Deputy Assistant Commissioner of
Paperwork should have his own Seal Team Six."