The Toronto Star attempted to "help" a homeless woman who has a young child and is pregnant. She lives in a park with her kid.
(One has to wonder about personal responsibilities and past decisions, but hey-I am a horrible mean person.)
The publicity has ensured the following folk wisdom is true: no good deed goes unpunished.
The love of her life, her son, has now been scooped up by the Children's Aid Society on "an anonymous" phone call.
Well, being on the front page of the Star might have done it also!
Unfortunately, there are no happy endings here and no good side to root for.
But hey! At least the disgusting Children's Aid society has another child's life to completely ruin as they pimp it out to total strangers! At least their case workers have "clients" to work on, I mean with!
Terrible story. No silver linings here, folks.
There is a lesson here as well: be careful what you go public with. Public attention sometimes has unwanted and unimaginable consequences.