Most annoying way to start the day.
Behold: The Loudspeaker Jihad
Same thing happens in Israel of course.
This is what happens when you give an inch: they take the whole arm.
"According to one woman interviewed by the newspaper, there was no mention of a muezzin when the mosque was inaugurated in October 2009."
"But then it was proposed that a muezzin should call the faithful to prayer on Fridays only. After that it was three times a day, and now it is five times a day. The prayer calls last for three minutes and the content is a bit much, especially since we are told that 'Allah is the greatest,'" she said."
"(The adhan, which consists of 15 verses, some of which are repeated several times, lasts for about three minutes.)"
You won't even notice it after a while, my little dhimmi friends!