All I can say is GO PAM GO!!!
And thank you to Michelle Malkin for writing about this.
I know Pam Harris and she is an outstanding mother and friend. I am proud to call her my friend.
This is a very gutsy move and she is fighting a very important fight.
From Michelle Malkin:
"Loyal readers will recall that in the fall of 2009, I published special reports on the parental revolt against Big Labor’s attempts
to force their way into the homes and lives of families who care for
developmentally disabled loved ones. One of the moms I spotlighted, Pam
Harris, refused to surrender. Her class-action lawsuit challenging
Illinois Democrat Gov. Pat Quinn’s SEIU-pandering executive order is now
before the Supreme Court. Harris and seven other home-health providers
will find out later this morning if SCOTUS will grant cert and hear the
case, Harris v. Quinn.
This is also a lesson to those people out there who think that one person can't make a difference. It's a lesson to the people out there who say "someone should do something about that" but don't realize, or don't want to realize that THAT SOMEONE IS YOU.
One person can, and has always made a difference.
One person-one Mom can take on the Chicago union machine and one person can try to beat them back.
I am so inspired by Pam Harris and by Michelle Malkin for covering it.
These are ballsy, smart women, brave mothers and they make the world a better place by fighting the fight and not being scared of anyone.
G-d bless you both.