Again, excellent little nuggets within the interivew.
Always worth a close read, and always points that are worth extrapolating on in larger essays-which, naturally, Steyn does par for the course.
This bit is right on the money. Regarding Eric Holde-here's a guy who represents the upholding of American laws, and everyone in America, and around the world knows that he's a liar. Every regular citizen in America is sworn to tell the truth. Regular citizens can face extremely sever punishment for lying. They can be jailed, sued-their lives can be made hellish. But yet, here's the American AG, flouting the rule of law.
And it is indeed the equal application of the rule of law by government that separates democracies from totalitarian states.
So Steyn warns America:
"This isn’t small stuff, you know. It’s the point at which a respectable
society decays into something darker and far more sinister and
Then, one sees the IRS wasting taxpayer's money on lavish conferences and "training", and literally waging a taxation jihad on fellow citizens, they have to be publicly reprimanded for producing a Star Trek themed training video, at a cost of about $50,000 of some poor, hardworking American sap:
Such notes that "if you need to put in kind of administrative safeguards for someone to
know that he shouldn’t be dressing up as Mr. Spock on the government’s
dime, you’re pretty much done for anyway".
After America indeed.
"This isn’t small stuff, you know. It’s the point at which a respectable
society decays into something darker and far more sinister and