Friday, July 20, 2012

Steyn: Obama Builds Roadblocks, Not Roads

Mark Steyn turns his attention to President Barack "You Didn't Build That" Obama and the results are predictable: devastating.

"Instead of roads and bridges, Obama-sized government funds stasis and sclerosis: The Hoover Dam of regulatory obstruction, the Golden Gateway to dependency. Last month, 80,000 Americans signed on to new jobs, but 85,000 Americans signed on for Social Security disability checks. Most of these people are not "disabled" as that term is generally understood. Rather, it's the U.S. economy that's disabled, and thus Obama incentivizes dependency. What Big Government is doing to those 85,000 "disabled" is profoundly wicked. Let me quote a guy called Mark Steyn, from his last book:"

"The evil of such a system is not the waste of money but the waste of people. Tony Blair's ministry discovered it was politically helpful to reclassify a chunk of the unemployed as 'disabled.' A fit, able-bodied 40-year-old who has been on disability allowance for a decade understands somewhere at the back of his mind that he is living a lie, and that not just the government but his family and his friends are colluding in that lie."

In keeping with this piece, I would urge you to read this piece from the American Thinker blog. I read it earlier, before the Steyn piece and highly recommend you read the whole thing: Infantilizing Leftist Morality.

It contains a number of thoughts that I have felt instinctively, but never articulated in writing. The kind of things that I have had conversations about, but never put down in words.

If you don't have American Thinker on your list of daily reads, you should. I always find something interesting in it, and the linked content is very helpful and just as interesting as the opinion pieces are. It is a perfect complement to Steyn's piece:

Some excerpts: 

"...whereas the beneficiaries of public charity used to feel a certain kind of shame, such feelings are now regarded as inappropriate, on the grounds that it is "unjust" to regard people as "disgraced" for requiring public assistance.  But contrary to leftist pop-psychology, that old-fashioned sense of shame, far from indicating an unhealthily diminished "self-esteem," was actally a sign of good character.  People who wish to be self-reliant are loath to confess a need for help."

"Their "shame" at receiving it grows from their anger at being temporarily unable to live up to the standards of adult citizenship.  We respect them all the more, and regard them as all the more worthy of our help, for feeling "ashamed" in this way.  Their shame, and the pride it reveals, proves to us that their need is real, and that, with a little help, they will likely elevate themselves again soon."
"Taking the shame -- and along with it the pride and self-reliance -- out of the arena of "public charity" has been a primary means of leftist societal corruption."  

So that's what the November elections are about in America. It's a battle bigger than Republican versus Democrat. It's really about a vision of America, and whether most Americans are inclined to continue on their road to serfdom or veer back onto the road leading to liberty, individual freedom and increased prosperity, primarily marked by small government and a weaning off of government dependency writ large.