Wednesday, July 18, 2012

You Didn't Build That!

The glorious state built everything! Did you see Jon Lovitz's tweet? 

I did one of my own as well.  Do you like it?

Gah! Mind-numbing stupidity!

Here's a good editorial on the subject: 

"...the existence of public infrastructure does not explain the difference between successful entrepreneurs and failed ones. The difference is born from the very thing President Obama attempts to downplay almost to the point of denying it — the hard work, resourcefulness, creativity and ingenuity of those who persist until they succeed."

"Under Obama’s formulation — “You didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen.” — All private success is nonexistent. There is only the glory of the state, as expressed through collective action. The ditch digger and social worker share equally in the success of the small-business owner and the tycoon. Therefore, they deserve an equal, or at least much larger, share of the fruits of the entrepreneurs’ labor. "

If this isn't socialism-what is? 

"Behind its smiley we’re-all-in-it-together façade is a frank demand: You owe us."

"For that most American figure of the self-made man, exemplified most famously by Benjamin Franklin and Abraham Lincoln, President Obama wants to substitute the figure of the guy who happened to get lucky while not paying his fair share in taxes. What a dreary and pinched view of human endeavor. What a telling insight into his animating philosophy."

"The thing is, he does not know how to create a productive job that adds value because he never built a business.  He never filed the corporate-compliance documents, was never posed with obligations to leap through endless hoops of government red tape to sell a product.  He does not know. "

"He never built a factory, never went to a fabricator to have manufacturing machines built to specifications."

"The only fabrication he knows is falsifying his life story -- one cannot call such novels a "biography" or an "autobiography," but only a "life story."  So he can fabricate facts in his life story.  He can fabricate claims against Romney that fly against the truth.  But he does not know how to fabricate a machine.  Someone else made that happen."

"Obama is the bane of capitalHe does not understand it.  He does not understand the risk of capital, the possibility of capital, the magic of how America opened possibilities never before imaginable because it liberated capital for private enterprise."
"And it would be a delight to see how he got into those schools."