Lots of excellent nuggets-but this one, is particularly astute:
"The administration’s misleading of the public reflects a teaching that is common to much literary theory, sociology, anthropology, political theory, and legal theory on college campuses today: Knowledge is socially constructed, and therefore the narrative is all."
"...the glaring discrepancy between the president’s high-minded promise of openness and his administration’s ominous disregard for privacy and freedom of the press is consistent with contemporary university culture. On campus, students learn that liberty of thought and discussion is a norm to which lip service must be paid but which must not be taken to heart because of the importance of stamping out disagreeable and dangerous speech.
Universities drive this lesson home by encouraging students to regard those who make arguments whose conclusions they dislike as insensitive to their feelings; by enacting hate speech codes; and by depriving the accused of due process in cases of sexual harassment and sexual assault."
Read the whole thing!