Via Instapundit:
Why Lis Smith Loses the Ladies
"Many men saw the liberalization of divorce laws, the opening of
opportunities for women in education and the workplace and the changes
in women’s legal and financial standing in a marriage as positive
developments. Most men didn’t want their daughters or sisters to be
subject to the whims of dirtbags like Eliot Spitzer if they happened to
have been so unlucky as to have married him."
"There was a time when a woman who was married to a man cavorting with
prostitutes or engaging in otherwise embarrassing dalliances would have
little choice but to stand by her man and say nothing. What other
options did she have? But today, no woman, especially no Ivy
League-educated woman with a good job, would be forced to sacrifice her
dignity for the sake of her security."
"Which is why, by the way, it’s so puzzling to see women of a certain
age still rallying around Hillary Clinton. If you’re Hillary or Huma
Abedin or Lis Smith and you think that getting in with a slime-bucket is
a good idea for your own life trajectory, well be our guest. But you
could have accomplished that without feminism."
(Not so puzzling actually, but perhaps that was a literary device.)
I think it's that for leftist women, leftism trumps EVERYTHING. So, as long as the scumbag they are married to is a lefty/Democrat, anything goes, stand by your man, etc...