What a solid education!
Higher education, home of your moral, intellectual and dancing drag queen superiors.
Details here.
"Reading RuPaul: Camp Culture, Gender Insubordination, and the Politics
of Performance," will study the show from a feminist and gay point of
The course will also cover the history of drag and U.S.
gay culture, as well as a broad range of issues such as transgender
identity, HIV/AIDS, bullying and violence, racial identity, gender
identity, body size, and LGBT political activism.
Coursework will involve watching episodes of the show and reading RuPaul's recent book, Workin’ It.
Sounds absolutely fascinating!
I am sure that in today's America there is a VERY VERY HIGH DEMAND FOR PEOPLE WHO HAVE A DEGREE IN RuPaul and DRAG QUEEN STUDIES.
And, now you, too can get an overpriced, mediocre liberal arts "education" a la President Obama, from Occidental College in LA and your very own BA in RuPaul and Drag Queen Studies for the very special, highly competitive price of $240,000!
What could possibly be wrong with that?