I know that I shouldn't really care what these utter barbarians do to one another.
But I guess my feeling is a result of being a civilized human being.
This is where gutless, inter-sectional feminists meet Islam: in total, submissive, complicit silence.
See if you can watch this and not feel angry and outraged.
Some civilizations (ours) are better than others (theirs).
So sue me.
فيديو 🎥:— MEMRI Arabic ميمري بالعربي (@MemriArabic) November 16, 2017
الإعلامية المصرية رباب عزّام تروي قصة ختانها، و أختها و بنات عمها، و هي بعمر ١٣ سنة: كانت " عملية ذبح جماعية". #مصر #السودان #الصومال #ختان_البنات https://t.co/C3VTdKCNAL pic.twitter.com/Tl6blbGRnf