Friday, November 17, 2017

"Trump's Unsung Middle East Success"

"There are any number of things to criticize in the administration's handling of the Middle East. I would have preferred a tougher approach to Iran's presence in Syria in our negotiations with Russia over a cease-fire, and a more supportive stance towards the Iraqi Kurds' aspirations for independence (although as Daniel Pipes observes, the fact that the independence referendum backfired was the Kurds' own fault). And I would like the president to keep his campaign promise to move our embassy in Israel to Jerusalem."

"But overall, Trump's Middle East policy has been a success, in striking contrast to his predecessors. The supposed Middle East mavens among the preening NeverTrumpers (Max Boot, Reuel Marc Gerecht, Bill Kristol et. al) made a mess of things, and Trump has gone a long way to cleaning it up. That's not bad for one year in office."