The life of Sarah the Matriarch. So much important stuff happens in this portion.
It's also fuunny, I blogged earlier about Rabbi Sacks, and then ran across this excellent Dvar Torah.
"If you ensure that your children will continue to live for what you have
lived for, then you can have faith that they will continue your journey
until eventually they reach the destination. Abraham did not need to
see all the land in Jewish hands, nor did he need to see the Jewish
people become numerous. He had taken the first step. He had begun the
task, and he knew that his descendants would continue it. He was able to
die serenely because he had faith in God and faith that others would
complete what he had begun. The same was surely true of Sarah."
"To be happy does not mean that you have everything you want or
everything you were promised. It means, simply, to have done what you
were called on to do, to have made a beginning, and then to have passed
on the baton to the next generation.
“The righteous, even in death, are
regarded as though they were still alive” (Berakhot 18a) because the
righteous leave a living trace in those who come after them."