Monday, December 2, 2013

American Jewish Committe Notices 1/3 of European Jews Fear Physical Attack Yet 100% Blind to Perpetrators

Interesting that there is 0% mention of the main perpetrators of violence against Jews in Europe.

Therefore, this American Jewish Committee report is 100% dhimmi crap and 100% petrified of offending the delicate sensibilities of Muslims by naming them.

Two-thirds of Jewish respondents consider anti-Semitism to be a problem today in their countries.
Three-fourths believe the problem has gotten worse in the past five years.
One-third fear a physical attack against themselves, as Jews, within the next 12 months.
- See more at:¬oc=1&msource=DAH120213#sthash.cTHZ44vh.d
Two-thirds of Jewish respondents consider anti-Semitism to be a problem today in their countries.
Three-fourths believe the problem has gotten worse in the past five years.
One-third fear a physical attack against themselves, as Jews, within the next 12 months.
- See more at:¬oc=1&msource=DAH120213#sthash.cTHZ44vh.dpuf
Two-thirds of Jewish respondents consider anti-Semitism to be a problem today in their countries.
Three-fourths believe the problem has gotten worse in the past five years.
One-third fear a physical attack against themselves, as Jews, within the next 12 months.
- See more at:¬oc=1&msource=DAH120213#sthash.cTHZ44vh.dpuf

It is a 100% gutless report.