This is totally delicious.
See, this is what happens first of all when people, you know, READ BOOKS.
And this is what happens when people choose not to shuffle along like sheep, nodding in agreement with boring, contrived and politically correct stupidity and intoxicating platitudes.
"Meet Yernaz Ramautarsing. Born in the former Dutch colony of Surinam in
1987, he was raised in Amsterdam – and grew up into a political junkie
and a solid left-winger. “I was terribly left-wing,” he told me the
other day. “Intoxicated by the Cuban Revolution. I always said I wanted
to be president of Surinam.”
"Last week was a big one for Yernaz and his Facebook page. After De Volkskrant ran a piece about it on Thursday, Yernaz was invited to appear that evening on a popular national TV discussion program.
He ended up making a fool out of a fellow guest, legendary Dutch
entertainer Freek de Jonge – a smug lefty of a certain age who is used
to having his opinions applauded, not challenged. (Think Barbra
Streisand.) De Jonge, who oozed confidence at the outset of the
exchange, plainly thought he could dismiss Yernaz with a couple of
snotty putdowns; instead, he ended up being handily dispatched by the
young upstart. Indeed, De Jonge revealed himself – or, rather, Yernaz
revealed De Jonge – to be one of those proudly outspoken lockstep
leftists who are so accustomed to being agreed with that, when actually
challenged, they prove utterly incapable of defending their views."
"Anyway, it was a remarkable spectacle – David slaying Goliath.
Overnight, Yernaz became a hero to a whole big swath of politically
incorrect Dutchmen."
One person can make a difference.
Individuals always have.
The responsibility is great-not everyone is up for the challenge. It's exhausting.
But it is certainly worth it.
Don't get discouraged!
You know who you are!
Read the whole thing!