The whole article is well done, but this jumped out at me.
"...why do boys in single-mother families have a harder time of it than
their sisters? If you were to ask the average person on the street, he
would probably give some variation of the role-model theory: boys need
fathers because that’s who teaches them how to be men. The theory makes
intuitive sense. Human beings naturally divide the universe into male
and female—it’s one of the earliest things that children notice about
the world around them."
(Sort of "duh", but the article is worth reading.)
And yet, liberals persist in seeing things solely through an economic/Marxist vantage point-wave money at the problem at it will just go away:
"Liberals often assume that these kinds of social problems result from
our stingy support system for single mothers and their children. Provide
more maternity leave, quality day care, and health care, goes the
thinking, and a lot of the disadvantages of single-parent homes would
vanish. But the link between criminality and fatherlessness holds even
in countries with lavish social-welfare systems."
Facts are terribly nasty and inconvenient things.
You are entitled to your own opinion, but not your own facts.
Read this: Sons of Divorce, School Shooters
" common and largely unremarked
thread tying together most of the school shooters that have struck the
nation in the last year is that they came from homes marked by divorce
or an absent father."