Stop trying to get non-profit, tax receipt status.
Of course "it's not fair" that lefty groups get it and you/we/they don't.
But life is not fair. Too bad.
So if you want to play in the leftist-dominated, Alinsky-style, Democrat thug led taxation bureaucracy sandbox, be prepared to get some serious sandburn all over your non-lefty skin, in the mouth and up the wazoo.
That's called reality.
People who want to help you and your cause will do so even without the benefit of a tax receipt.
They will GIVE you money, to do stuff. Because they trust you.
And anyway-we don't need any more (fucking) organizations and (idiotic, waste of time and money) web sites.
We just need more people to do stuff.
And I would never join any club that would have me as a member anyway.
If I ever start an organization, please stage an intervention, OK?????