Highly astute and worth reading every word.
Best nugget:
"The result of cosmic disappointment in the ability of progressive
politics to correct human disparities has given birth to the modern
psychological disorder of elite liberalism, which is mostly about
squaring the circle of maintaining privilege while deploring inequality.
Say America is unfair ten times a day, and the BMW in the garage and
the new putter are no longer sins."
And, a prescription:
"In response, we need to expose their hypocrisies and start worrying
about a shrinking middle class that has been damaged by Obama-era
"Almost every issue from fracking, gun control, illegal
immigration and quantitative easing to Obamacare and cap and trade
invites a populist critique. Yet so far the Republican establishment
seems uninterested in making the case that the Democratic hierarchy is of, by, and for the elite."
"Liberals are funded and represented by the privileged in Wall Street,
universities, entertainment, the media, politics, foundations, the arts,
and government, and the inherited wealthy. They all have set the agenda
for the nation, called it progressive, and then sought exemption by
seeking more taxpayer money for entitlements to ensure the fealty of the