Monday, May 12, 2014

Must Watch: G-d Bless the IDF, "Great in Uniform" Initiative Integrates Youth With Special Needs Into the Army

You have to, have to, have to watch this.

I didn't start crying until the put the beret on the new conscripts, then I lost it. I have watched it three or four times already.


Seriously, I dare you to watch this without crying.

This is a magnificent initiative. Absolutely magnificent. Kol Hakavod to Tzahal. I am so impressed by the turnaround in attitudes toward the disabled over the past ten years. It's really quite remarkable.

I can only dream that one day my special needs son can serve in this unit.

"Gdolim B'Madim" sounds better in Hebrew than in English because it rhymes in Hebrew.

"Great in Uniform" doesn't really resonate that well in English, the name might need a tweak-just sayin...

The press release is here.

Really high quality production, good translation and an astonishingly beautiful and life affirming initiative.

I am so very impressed and proud.