And I say that coming from the bottom of my fan girl/SteynFrau heart.
And I've read everything that Mark Steyn has written.
It's so good that I am posting EVERY SINGLE WORD HERE.
September 11th 2001, America’s big bloated money-no-object
bureaucracy and its obsolete brain-dead 1970s hijacking procedures
utterly failed the citizens of this country. Nevertheless, on Flight 93
brave freeborn citizens acted as an ad hoc militia and did the job their
government had proved incapable of doing."
"So naturally, twelve years later, the punitive bozo bureaucrats of the National Park Service have “closed down” the field in which they died."
"In Arizona a few days ago, I spoke to a chap who said the NPS rangers at the World War Two memorial had treated the trespassing veterans “with respect”. But it’s more a question of self-respect, isn’t it? What kind of fellow - even a federal bureaucrat – is such a dead husk of a human being that he complies with the order to “close” the mass grave of better men than he will ever be?"
Remember Todd Beamer.
Remember these words.
"So naturally, twelve years later, the punitive bozo bureaucrats of the National Park Service have “closed down” the field in which they died."
"In Arizona a few days ago, I spoke to a chap who said the NPS rangers at the World War Two memorial had treated the trespassing veterans “with respect”. But it’s more a question of self-respect, isn’t it? What kind of fellow - even a federal bureaucrat – is such a dead husk of a human being that he complies with the order to “close” the mass grave of better men than he will ever be?"
Remember Todd Beamer.
Remember these words.