How many people around the world are outraged? How many couldn't care less?
How many people have expectations of human beings that are beyond savagery, and how many are content to continue to let these monsters in human bodies continue the slaughter.
How many of you have young children? How many of you can picture your children growing up to this end? Did you ever think you would say to yourself "worse than Beslan"?
You must understand that they can always make it worse. Worse or same as Beslan is headless children, being slaughtered after their last moments on this earth were watching their teacher's flesh burn.
Same or worse than Beslan is ripping a human infant's heart out in front of her parents.
"Taliban terrorists allegedly burned a teacher alive and made the students watch during their attack on a Pakistan school which left over 130 people dead."
"According to a NBC News report, citing an unnamed military official, the terrorists stormed the Army
Public school in Peshawar, in north-west Pakistan, and committed the
horrific act as well as detonating a suicide bomb which killed a number
of students."
"They burnt a teacher in front of the students in a classroom," the unnamed military source told the US TV network."
"They literally set the teacher on fire with gasoline and made the kids watch."
"Pakistani officials have yet to verify the burning of the teacher, or other reports that some of the bodies of the dead school children are being brought into the hospital headless."
"According to a tweet by Omar R Quraishi, an editor at the The Express Tribune who has over 154,000 Twitter followers:"
"Some of the bodies brought to hospital during the Peshawar school attack have been headless: source."
Meanwhile in Australia, solidarity for the victims...oh wait-no sorry. My mistake.
No solidarity for victims. Solidarity for pretend victims.
Meanwhile in Canada, more lies.
Meanwhile in the formerly Great Britain, an ever-shrinking pool of brave truth tellers.