Friday, December 19, 2014

More Thoughts on Australia-UPDATED

As I wrote earlier this week, when I first saw the preening, sneering hashtag #IllRideWithYou, my very first thought was f&ck you. And I meant it. Seems like my instincts were correct.

My position is unchanged: Fuck you, "I'll Ride With You" people.

Ben Shaprio has a post up about the suicidal hashtags of the West. 

The "I'll ride with you" narrative and accompanying hashtag was offensive enough as truth, that people actually unleashed and believed in their own narcissistic social media masturbatory rhetoric while hostages were still being held.

What can possibly be said about it now that we know that it was a complete lie? 

Read the whole update from Andrew Bolt.

Lastly-read this piece, a refreshingly honest essay about who the terrorist was, and what needs to be done to stop repeat events. 

It's excellent.

My utmost respect to Mr. Alan M.R Jones, a former Howard government official for his clarity and forthright position.

A sample:

"If we can stop the boats and the drownings, we can stop the undeserved free lunches, as well as the lawfare waged on civil society and our safety. More than that, we can stop heeding the excuses and rationalisations on behalf of those who would harm innocents and coarsen our civil soul. If we have the will, if the collective outrage of right now declines to flag, we can say loudly that we refuse to live any longer in the rotten edifice of a social-experiment freak-out ginned up at a bong party in the sociology department common room."

"We must first overcome the absurd protests that Monis’ villainy was a one-off, an isolated case, which had nothing to do with his sinister religious beliefs. Likewise, we must recognise the dysfunctional welfare-industrial complex for what it is — a support scheme available to help manifest and advance social pathologies. Have we not recognised that Monis was a walking Venn diagram of victim handouts, subsidised weirdness and extremist hatred? To be the quintessential welfare queen and a psychopathic, parasitic criminal and a terrorist are not mutually exclusive. Indeed, in this case they were symbiotic.”


How it all started. Charming.