Bon appetite!
"Victims of the Fort Hood shooting will soon be eligible to receive the
Purple Heart, with Congress pushing ahead with a policy change that
would officially recognize domestic terrorism as an issue, rather than
the “workplace violence” designation the
Obama administration had used."
"For years, the families’ congressional allies had butted heads with the
Obama administration, which balked at designating part of the U.S. the equivalent of a battlefield."
"But the backers finally prevailed, writing the new terrorism
designation into the annual defense policy bill that is speeding its way
through Congress this month."
“It’s been a long fight, and we’ve
always had some stumbling blocks, but I’m keeping my fingers crossed and
will be very happy when this thing is signed by the president so we can
go back to those people who have been waiting for some acknowledgment
of their injuries,”
Rep. John R. Carter, Texas Republican, told The Washington Times."
"The White House did not have an immediate comment on the change Wednesday."