Hey people, it's almost the Jewish New Year.
This year, Jews will be particularly stressed about the upcoming festivities one, because they are "early" i.e in September this year and not October.
Remember: Jewish holidays are either "early" or "late" but never on time.
This year it's a three day marathon for us Hebrews.
Wednesday night is the start of Rosh Hashana, which lasts for two days (and always, Jewish holidays go from night to night), and then just as Rosh Hashana ends on Friday night, the Sabbath begins. So basically if you go grocery shopping in the next day or so and there are Jews where you live, you may see us running around frantically grabbing all the necessary food items for this festive, lengthy celebration.
I'll write more about Rosh Hashana if I have time.
Yesterday I was already in prep mode and have my apple cake (this is my standby crowd pleaser and the best "pareve" dessert I make) and a chocolate chip loaf cake frozen and ready to go.
Apples and honey are particularly symbolically important as are other blessings and items.
(Yes I'm Ashkenazi but in Jewish marriages, one follows the cultural traditions of the husband-therefore we go by Sephardi...)
There's lots more work to be done, but we'll get there.
Anyway, I loved this story.
Housekeeping at the Kotel before Rosh Hashana.
Here's what I like about it. I like that people's prayers are treated so respectfully. What other nation would treat people's little notes to G-d with such respect? This is such a beautiful, humble and gracious way of treating the intimate wishes and prayers of people from all over the world no matter what their background or religion or creed. I like that the Chief Rabbi himself is cleaning them out.
Well played, Jews! Well played.
And for those of you who scoff at the idea of writing "notes to G-d" well, in a few words: don't be such a smarmy smart ass.
Even if you don't believe in G-d, there is something very beneficial and very clarifying about writing down your deepest wishes and fears and hopes. And very humbling as well. It's not the same as merely having the thought.
So scoff not and have some respect.
Don't be a jerk. Talk to G-d.
You're welcome.