Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Jewish New Year Blog Break!

The Jewish New Year is a three day extravaganza this year.

Thus, I'll be offline starting tomorrow (Wednesday) night-candle lighting is at 7:00 p.m EST by us.


Rosh Hashana is two glorious days and then blends right into Shabbat so I'll be completely offline for three days.

See you in the new (Jewish) year!

To all my Jewish friends, I wish you a happy, healthy and joyful New Year.

May Hashem bless and keep you all, and may He watch over all Shomrei Yisrael, all of the guardians of Israel.

To all of my non-Jewish readers, thanks for coming along for the ride!

Thank you for reading my blog, and for all your kind notes and words of encouragement throughout the year.

I write because I have to, but I try to use any skill that I've been lent by G-d, for good purposes, and to further the message of the Jews and the G-d of Israel, to get Torah wisdom and Jewish insights, to make the case for the Culture of Life, to put that all out there, to as many people as I can.

Shana Tova U'Metukah T'chateivu, may you all be inscribed in the Book of Life for a sweet and happy year.