Friday, July 5, 2013

Afghanistan: Primitive, Tribal and Barbarian HQ

Young boys were repeatedly raped in Afghanistan, but nobody did anything about it so that a) the Afghani "allies" wouldn't get offended about their rape culture and b) so as not to get a bullet in the head from aforementioned Afghani "allies".

So, just remind me what is redeeming about this culture and why we have spent blood there? 

Primitive, sickening barbarians.


“I can tell you there was a school of thought that on the Forward Operating Base, inside, there was an Afghan encampment next to the Canadian base, and on the Afghan base they do their own stuff,” Grenier said. 

“It’s like people with diplomatic plates they speed and do silly things."

There was a belief that we have to keep those relationships with the Afghan army. You go attacking their cultural ways and the next day, when you’re both fighting the Taliban, you’re going to get a bullet in the back of the head.”