Part eleventy million bazillion and one.
So, grades were inflated at a predominantly black university in America, to 'service' the black students-and make themselves feel better about themselves and to make the university look 'better'.
Well, I think that is disgusting on so very many levels.
The first is that liberals show their inner racist selves by expecting less of black students. That is a disgusting display of their contempt for the potential of these students.
They are judging potential by skin colour. What could be more racist than that?
Next-what kind of worthless, garbage degrees are these students getting?
At first I thought to myself, hey-I don't want my doctor, pilot, engineer or dentists to have received inflated grades but if they get bloated "gender studies" degrees, or puppetry degrees-what the heck.
Like the old joke about the pilot crashing the plane-admitting to passengers that he flunked all his exams as a training pilot, but at least he feels good about himself and that's the main thing, right?
But then I realized, you know what?
I don't want anyone with bogus, over-inlflated, self-important, useless credentials anywhere near me or my family-especially not near my kids. Not as a teacher, counselor, consultant, bureaucrat-NOTHING.
And not because of skin colour-I'd say the same about any useless, puffed up bogus degree earner no matter what their background.
We need much less puffery in this world and many more truth tellers.