Scaramouche analyzes an editorial that clearly missed the point of jihad.
And, she also finds some contradictory bits of information about the case of the B.C jihadists.
It's amazing how anyone can say-with a straight face-that though they were inspired by Al Qeida, and converts to Islam that this activity had nothing to do with any kind of international terror organization or any particular religion!
And, as scaramouche points out-if they had no internet, how did all that "self-radicalization" happen.
And what the hell is "self radicalization" anyway CAUSE I HEARD YOU CAN GO BLIND FROM DOING THAT KIND OF THING.
Who was the 'traditionally garbed' Muslim dude who came to the house?
Maybe he was Buddhist, and not Muslim?
NOTE: This is the phase of a terrorist attack where liberals and the willfully blind try to convince you that the actors in question were silly, amateurs, idiots, children playing pranks, incompetent. Anything to minimize the threat.
The only way that the plot can be part of a vast, world wide conspiracy is if it is the ZOG, you know the JOOOOOOS, or if they are white, Christian, conservative, American, tea party activists.
Otherwise, it is a little Loco Local amateur, fumbling his or her way through a misunderstanding of Islam after too many sessions of SELF ACTUALIZATION that affected the pleasure centre of the brain.