I agree with this completely.
(Great lede, by the way, just awesome...)
"In this era of butt selfies and slut walks, Kate Middleton, aka the Duchess of Cambridge, is a revolutionary."
She has great style and grace.
Lovely article about a very substantial young woman and her royal life.
"Kate’s grace and elegance is a welcome change from the desperate
self-loathing exhibitionism of most celebrity females of her
"It’s why she is raising hackles among snarky feminists. They have
called her variously “plastic princess”, “painfully thin”, a “jointed
doll on which certain rags are hung” and even “dangerous for our
"Sunny Kate represents a threat to the pornification industry, which has
somehow duped feminism into the belief that dressing like a stripper
and acting like a hooker equals emancipation. Nothing could be further from the truth. You only have to look at Miley Cyrus and Lindsay Lohan to see what the end game is."
"Kate is the anti-slut, the antidote to everything wrong with Western
culture. She has put class back into sexy, made modesty cool, and added
cachet to marriage and motherhood. No wonder she has become a role
model to a generation of young women, despite scornful feminists."
Just lovely.