Thursday, April 10, 2014

Random: Awesome Shlomo Artzi Song

I looooooove Shlomo Artzi.

I love his voice, his music, and well-he's totally hot.

This is so beautiful.

She's taking half a pill to calm herself,
and gives (me) a sentence of wager:
"you or me or you?"
and I'm closed within, my words no longer come out,
and aside from whispering her name,
I wipe her tears.

Cry for me now,
cry I say,
it hurts, it will hurt,
but at the end it will get released,
cry instead of me,
I can no longer cry,
me, it's my job -
to wipe your tears.

"Look" she says to me, "a fog covers the road,
problems start in one's head,
life is scary enough."
And I'm closed within, I can't see anything,
and aside from whispering her name,
I wipe her tears.

Cry for me now..