Read the whole thing!
"We will get our country back. We will get our
sovereignty back. We will get out of this European project and get back
to being a parliamentary nation. But we will be a nation with huge
divides. And that makes me very sad."
From your mouth to G-d's ears, Nigel.
More from this great interview:
"Adams: What does UKIP have to offer the average person who senses that something has come unhinged in the UK?
Farage: I think really, our appeal is to ordinary
people. Our appeal is to working class people. Our appeal is to blue
collar people. What do we have to offer? Firstly, pride and belief in
nation. An identity, which is actually quite fundamental for an awful
lot of people yet is considered to be an embarrassment to the
metropolitan elites and their friends in the media. Proper immigration
control. We can’t turn the clock back. But we can stop things from
getting more difficult than they currently are. Higher wages. Because if
you stop the uncontrolled flow and oversupply of labor into the
marketplace, people will earn more money. And, I think, a country that
will actually begin to understand once again, who it is.
Adams: What do you think is great about the UK that
Conservatives no longer seem to be willing to say? What about the
history, the culture, whatever?
Farage: Parliamentary democracy, rule of law, Magna
Carta — these are all things for which we should be uniquely proud.
Uniquely proud. And yet, we’ve subjugated all of those things to a new
set of institutions across our seas. It’s unacceptable."