What more can I say?
This is how it's done.
Money talks.
We have to pay taxes, but other than that-nobody has to give their hard-earned money away. Money is influence. Fundraising is competitive.
This is a great example and I salute Richard Hill for not just putting his money where is mouth is, but only choosing to put his money where his ideas are, or not respected.
"A Chicago businessman is withholding $4.5 million in donations from the
University of Illinois (UI) Urbana-Champaign until the school agrees to
get rid of former domestic terrorist and convicted murderer James
"Richard Hill, the retired CEO of Novellus Systems, wrote a letter to
UI at Chicago administrators notifying them of his intent to rescind his
pledge to donate $6.5 million to the school’s bioengineering
department, according to The Chicago Tribune.
Hill has already donated $2 million dollars of that money, but is
refusing to cash in the other $4.5 million until the school agrees to
fire Kilgore."
"I no longer wish to be associated with University of Illinois," Hill
wrote to in a letter to UI, following the board’s decision. "The Academy
at the University of Illinois has clearly lost its moral compass."