Friday, March 9, 2012

Pity the "Wrongfully Born" Child Who Discovers Google

Wow. Isn't there something else one could call it in order to sue the hospital? How can people who claim to love their child say that had they known-they would have aborted their baby? 

Is it just about the money? About making the case? And why go to the newspapers?

It's hard brushing her teeth! It costs more money. Yes-these things are true. I know these things well.

Deborah Levy would have aborted her pregnancy had she known her daughter had the chromosomal abnormality.

That's a pretty harsh statement-I hope her daughter never understands it. This is a very un-Jewish attitude toward a human life. Their daughter's name is Kalanit, that's Hebrew for anemone, the beautiful flower that grows wild in Israel in bright colours. They are hard to contain, but have a brightness and a vibrancy that is remarkable.

Deborah Levy would have aborted her pregnancy had she known her daughter had the chromosomal abnormality.

Life is full of unexpected things. The life of a child with Down Syndrome is expendable, regrettable even for a parent that is already witnessing the potential within. How disturbing and unconscionable.

Deborah Levy would have aborted her pregnancy had she known her daughter had the chromosomal abnormality.