I really enjoyed this article, not just because it is thoughtful and well-written, but it gives me great hope that there are many other Jews out there that are not liberal zombies.
I've been meaning to post it for a while but forgot about it.
Good nugget:
"One of the reasons for this close working relationship between
evangelical activists and Israeli leaders of every stripe involves the
key difference between Christian Zionists and their American Jewish
counterparts: Christian conservatives feel no compulsion to tell
Israelis how to run their country. Unlike leaders of major Jewish
organizations, the born-again brigades provide the elected leaders of
Israel with virtually unconditional support, even when they may harbor
deep doubts about certain policies."
And this:
"...rampaging secularism represents a far greater threat to Jewish identity
than does intensifying Christianity. As Dov Fischer, a California rabbi,
trenchantly observed some three decades ago, we have less to fear from
“Jews for Jesus” than we do from “Jews for Nothing." This means that Jewish leadership made a disastrously bad bet some 50
years ago when it aligned the community with ardent secularists and
militant separationists in pushing for a less distinctively Christian
America, as if moving the nation in that direction would facilitate
greater Jewish pride and affirmation."
Well worth the read.