Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Are you better off?

Again, it's a simple question, my American friends.

Are you better off now than you were four years ago?

If America is so much better off, why has the number of Americans on food stamps doubled from 1.9 million in 2008 to 3.9 million in 2010?

These are Obama's 47%. 

Mitt Romney needs to completely OWN that comment, and start the conversation on government dependency.

It's not a "gaffe", and conservatives need to stop using that word.

Anything Mitt says is going to be branded a "gaffe"

It was a comment on the sad state of affairs in America today. Don't let anyone get away with calling it a "gaffe".

Mitt gets "gaffes" but according to the mainstream media (the media "court eunuchs" as per Mark Steyn), every unintelligible, mistake-laden, socialist, unemotional, uh-filled, disconnected, narcissistic comment Obama makes is like the sound of a freaking rainbow-hued, unicorn fart symphony. 

That number-47% is a true bill and a disgraceful figure.

This is not the America of the founding fathers.

It's a revolting display of the rapid movement from the America of individual responsibility and liberty to the Obama-inspired, insipid America of European socialism.

If America wants to go the pathetic way of Europe, re-electing Barack Obama is a fantastic plan to make that happen. 


"If all Obama wants to do in life is golf, take fancy vacations, crack jokes on late-night TV and offer meaningless policy proposals, he should go run a nonprofit and leave running the country to someone who'll take the job seriously."