Monday, September 24, 2012

Smart Jew Jeff Jacoby on the Just Like Carter President

This is a good piece by Jeff Jacoby which basically makes shiskabob out of the wimpy Carter grandson and his pathetic "gotcha" video about Mitt Romney and the 47%.

Jacoby reminds us of Reagan's very astute and ever timely observation that it was American weakness, and not its strength that was a provocation.

I'm sure there are many people who, before Obama was elected thought to themselves that "at least" he wasn't Jimmy Carter.

Well, he's worse actually. And one of the reasons is that when Jimmy Carter ushered in the American era of appeasement and glad-handled the Ayatollah Khomeni the Iranian religious fanatics were nuts, America lost face and the Islamic supremacist movement thereby got infused with the political equivalent of an intravenous speedball.

BUT...and it's a big but...

The Islamic, crazy, Ayatollah regime was nowhere near nuclear.

And that's a big, crazy, Mahdi, deterrence -don't-live- here difference.

Obama: Worse than Carter.

There, I said it.