Thursday, September 13, 2012

Matt Welch Asks: What' So Hard About Defending Free Speech


It's hard because the left does not want you to have it!

And it's hard because they don't actually believe in it. Nor do many other cultures and religions throughout the world.

The pretzel knot that people get into is when they are actually mentally sympatico with totalitarianism, but they choose to live in the first world.

Living in a democracy, and using the state as a vehicle lets them indulge MOST of their totalitarian impulses.

When the other side fights back, they get really pissed. They do not like the uppity, unwashed, fly-over country, gun-clinging, bible-thumping masses to have a say in the matter. 


So it's not that it's "hard" for them to defend it, it's rather that complete freedom of the individual is anathema to these folks-whether in office, or not.

They just won't admit that from their cozy first-world perches.