Sunday, July 21, 2013

Churches Seek to Help Rebuilt Detroit

Amen to that.

Can I get a witness??????

The only thing that can help Detroit in its total and utter rebuilt is a complete renunciation of the RELIGION OF LIBERALISM and a return to Judeo Christian values and morals.

Fathers raising their children and marrying the mothers of their children. Children staying in school. Teachers teaching. People going to Church regularly.

The most horrendous corruption in Detroit was not the fiscal: it was the corruption of the soul.

Without a return to individual responsibility, without a commitment to individual liberty, Detroit cannot heal.

Liberals look at every problem from a financial angle. "If only" enough money is thrown at something, it will be fixed. Or another way to look at it through a liberal prism-here's the logic: by throwing money at something, that shows we care. Why? Because extremist liberals have no real G-d. So their G-d is money, or other false idol.

Detroit is your city on liberalism. A repudiation of the Church of Liberalism must be undertaken before any fiscal fixes can possibly be made.