Friday, August 9, 2013

Glick: When Failure Carries No Cost, Reflections Three Years After Ft. Hood Jihadist Massacre

A fantastic article-as always-from the great Caroline Glick. 

"Outside the conservative media, and certain circles of the Republican Party, there has been no public outcry over the government’s decision to cover up the nature of Hasan’s actions. The public’s passivity in the face of the government’s mendacious, unjust behavior owes to the fact that the mainstream media have not castigated the administration for its decision to hide that Hasan was not a garden variety disgruntled employee but a traitor who acted in the service of declared enemies of the United States."

"In the absence of a media-induced public outcry, the administration has no reason to change its behavior. It has no impetus to acknowledge the truth and act accordingly."

"The same is the case with regards to the September 11, 2012, attack on the US Consulate in Benghazi."

"Obama will not change course. He doesn’t have to. So long as he maintains faith with the god of appeasement, the US media will protect him. And so long as they protect him, he will pay no price for his failures. So he will repeat them."