Friday, May 1, 2015

"Anyone Who Says I'm A Traitor Can Go To Hell..."

"Or go bang his head against the wall!"

(Note: I love this attitude, and this is what I tell my children they can do if they are "bored". This is yet another piece of exceptional advice passed down from my late Bubbie to me. Nowadays I don't even have to say it to the little ones. They just KNOW.  I only have to say "I know what you can do..." and then come the cries of NOOOOO NOOOOO DON'T SAY IT!!!!)


Great article.

"All the Arabs who live in this country know that if they were living under an Arab regime, our conditions would be a good deal worse, so they are grateful that they have the State of Israel. That is how it sounds in private conversations, no matter how much they deny saying it. I tell you -- that is how they talk. I also admit that if I were Arab on both sides, Israel is the only country I would want to live in."

(The intermarriage, inter-dating stuff is just a very low-key side bar in this article. Personally, I don't think that's anything to celebrate, but that's not the focus of this article or this post.)