This is a beauty.
"In recent years Israel has seen a whole spat of far-leftist professors,
many of them sociologists, who got caught with their pants down while
harassing their female students."
"The most notorious was no doubt Eyal
Ben Ari, a far-leftist sociologist at Hebrew University, who was accused
of raping a student. Ben Ari was eventually fired."
"Before that he had
been the thesis supervisor for that now-notorious MA thesis in which it
was claimed that the fact that Israeli soldiers do not rape Arab women
proves how racist the Jews are. As I say, the thesis supervisor was
later himself involved in raping and harassing a student."
"Maybe he just
did not want to be considered to be a racist."
"Anyhow, now along comes Comrade Ronen Shamir and he gets indicted before
a Tel Aviv University ethics committee for sexually harassing one of
his own students, an Arab woman."
"I guess he REALLY wanted to prove he
was not racist."