Let's me tell you a tale of the disgusting, putrid story of Detroit.
The soul of this city is destroyed and possibly irredeemable.
The useless police establishment in Detroit, one of the most corrupt and bankrupt cities in America cannot find in their hearts a little bit of motivation to actually arrest the alleged rapist of a teenager with Down Syndrome.
Let's review.
Today-Friday is the 23rd day without an arrest, in a case where the people in the neighbourhood have identified the alleged rapist as someone with severe mental problems. He lives in the same area as the girl with DS.
The young girl with Down Syndrome had to wait 7 hours for the Detroit police to bother taking a rape kit. Seven hours for a girl with mental retardation, who has been raped! This is incompetence bordering on criminal. This in itself is cruel and unusual punishment for a victim-by the police.
The community has administered vigilante justice to the alleged rapist. They beat the crap out of him with some baseball bats. Is that the answer? No, the answer would have been more prompt action by the police. Get the wheels of justice at least turning-at least that.
The problem is that there is an epidemic lack of human decency in this disgusting city.
If the police-you know-the 'to serve and protect' folks-the only folks who can be armed-if our protectors cannot bother to take an interest in, and expedite the comfort and treatment of a raped, mentally disabled teenager, what is left?
Detroit simply has had its soul ripped out of it by the legacy of liberal, union and democratic politics.
This is the net result of 60 years of leftist rule in Detroit.