Remember, nobody is better than anyone else.
All cultures are equally awesome!!!
"Video footage of an abducted girl dragged screaming and crying into a forced wedding has shamed Kazakhstan."
"The disturbing clip, filmed on a mobile phone and titled Stealing The Bride, shows the moment the teenage girl arrives at the home of her future husband in Kazakhstan's central Akmola region."
"As wedding guests celebrate to traditional Kazakh music, the youngster sits in the back of a car crying and pleading to be taken home."
"The video shows the screaming girl dragged from the car and along a special bridal carpet towards her suitor's house as guests in smart wedding dress throw confetti over her."
"She makes one final effort at resistance at the door to the home, pushing back on the doorframe, before a crowd of men and women finally hustle her inside."
"The practice is an ancient custom in the region and there are various formalities to go through. In some circumstances the abduction can even be consensual."