"In the video, Zehaf Bibeau says he will act in the name of Allah in response to Canada’s foreign policy, a source close to the investigation
told The Canadian Press."
Make sure to read Kathy Draidlebaum's article "You Want a Fight" right here at TAKI Magazine.
“It’s been a tough week for Canadian Muslims.”
"I sincerely wish I were pulling your leg, but that’s really how the National Post
began the somberly italicized deck it stuck on top of what was clearly a
hastily arranged interview with career apologist for Islam Karen
"Because after two Canadian soldiers have been murdered by Muslims in 48 hours, who better than Armstrong to help out with the “nothing to see here” whitewash? Hey, her name even starts with an A. No need to dig much deeper into that old contact list."
"The Post went on to scold its readers: “[A] predictable backlash has emerged,” you see. “On Friday, for example, a mosque in Cold Lake, Alta., was vandalized, its windows smashed, its front defaced by graffiti calling for members to ‘go home.’”
"And, well, that was about it, actually. For a “backlash,” it was less Kristallnacht than Kristal-Not."