America is screwed.
"Just to give you an example of how hard-assed the boneheads of America's immigration bureaucracy can be when they want to:
"The legendary Gord Sinclair, longtime news director of CJAD in
Montreal, had a ski place near Jay in northern Vermont, and he invited
his engineer on the show to come down and visit him. "What's the purpose
of your visit?" asked the agent at the small rural border post."
"Oh, just a relaxing weekend at my boss' place," said Gord's
colleague affably, and then chortled, "although I don't know if it'll be
that relaxing. He'll probably have me out in the yard chopping wood all day."
"So the immigration agent refused him entry on the grounds that he would be working illegally in the United States."
"They all had a good laugh about that back on the air on Monday, but
it took forever to straighten out. A single man with contacts in the
United States: He says he's coming for the weekend, but we all
know any Montrealer would willingly trade a job at Quebec's Number One
anglo radio station for casual yard work in Vermont, right?"
"And yet the unemployed guy from an Ebola hot zone gets in."
"Every day CBP agents pull stuff like that weekend-in-Vermont thing,
screwing over perfectly obviously law-abiding persons - tourists,
businessmen, legal residents and, indeed, citizens.
But the Ebola guy gets in."